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Everything posted by Riotatzu

  1. Darmanitan 22+ sold insta to "Darkstylzor", ty
  2. Darmanitan 22+ started c.o 2m "Seodrangon" Start // Monday 11:15 GMT/UTC Ends // Thrusday 11:15 GMT/UTC Ty
  3. Infernape ada h.a sold insta to "Mcl0vin1997", ty
  4. Alright, Staterd: Chandelure (ground) and Bisharp ~ Start // Monday 10:35 GMT/UTC ~ Ends // Wednesday 10:35 GMT/UTC Thanks
  5. Tyranitar impish and Serperior sold in game
  6. Alakazam modest sold to "Veniciusnd2", ty
  7. Volcarona timid sold to "Fabiosp", ty
  8. Chansey 2x31 sold to "Osmgal", ty
  9. Excadrill 31 atk sold to "Sweetboy", ty
  10. 20+ new pokes added ~ bump
  11. Jolteon sold insta to "Ciphersane1", ty
  12. Serperior 30spd sold to "Toinhodaburra", ty
  13. Jolteon hp ice c.o 800k "Scuong789"
  14. Alright, c.o 700k Start ~ Thrusday 18:40 gmt/utc Ends ~ Saturday 18:40 gmt/utc Thanks
  15. Omastar modest sold to "Jaythegreat23", ty
  16. Conkeldurr sold to "Roinuj", ty
  17. @Roinuj u won, congratz!
  18. Reduced insta ~ bump
  19. Goodra relaxed sold insta to "Vyeny", ty
  20. c.o 600k
  21. Noted
  22. Current offer 500k by "Allsmell" Started ~ 07:46 GMT nov 16th 2019 Ends ~ 07:46 GMT nov 18th 2019 Ty
  23. can be closed, ty
  24. Chansey 31hp sold to "Elchacho", ty
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