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  1. hi this is pokemonash6. can i rejoin this guild, since i started playing this game again. Application Format: 1. What's your Player name (IGN)?-pokemonash6 2. Number of hours played?-600+(since server not up dont know exact time) 3. What's your favorite Pokemon?-eevee 4. What country are you from?-india 5. How old are you?-22 6. When's your Birthday?-09.09.1996
  2. Hi! , i cleared sinnoh league but the survival area is still not open to me. Is there any requirements other than being sinnoh champ? need help with that cuz the last egg for the event in sinnoh is there it seems. Thankyou.
  3. What is your Discord tag? Ananth#6900. How often do you use Discord? i am online mostly. If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? To improve pro's discord my suggestions would be to pinpoint the location of several pokemons and to add a dig spot cooldown checker and headbutt cooldown checker for the players
  4. Game Name: pokemonash6 No.of hours played: 131hrs Favorite pokemon: gorchomps Age: 21 Date of birth: 09-09-1996
  5. I am intrested in joining your guild. Ingame Name: pokemonash6 Playtime: 7pm to 12am (indian time) Reason: well i was helped by a guildmate more than one time so i thought i could help someone too with ur help.
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