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  1. Bonjour, je suis nouveau arrivant, mais j'ai déjà la volonté de rejoindre une guilde. Si une personne parle français sur le serveur silver, qu'il vienne me contacter. Merci d'avance, Rremolo
  2. Who are we & What do we do The Balance of Power (TBoP) originally started on another Pokemon MMO, our clan grew fast and quickly became one of the most active and powerful clans, many of our long term members decided to switch to PRO after seeing how good the game is and we now run a combined clan community between both MMO's. We are first and foremost a casual clan. We are here to enjoy our community and the game. We help one another and have a laugh. We hope you will choose to join and become a member of our family. We are a large community hailing from all over the world, including Player vs. Player (PvP) competitors And Player vs. Environment members. We host many guides, tips and tricks for PvE and PvP and will answer any questions you have! Clan Achievements Our PvP Champion Pizzacutter has reached #1 on Random Ranked ladder Regularly Top 20 in Guild PvP Ranking, we aim to get into the Top 10 soon! 95+ people in Guild (+7.5% exp boost in guild now ) Good Responsible Leader ( Best manager according to me) We have achieved the 95+ members & exp boost in-game and boast an Active Discord community supporting our clan with 150+ members and 10 Discord bots. Our In-house programmers have created their own Discord bots which are now verified and published in hundreds of servers Requirements Our only requirement is activity, We expect you to be an active member of the community, that means logging in regularly and taking part in guild chat or discord chats. Having Discord is recommended (not compulsory) as we run clan events via our Discord server including giveaways, tournaments, auctions and competitions. Our Ethos is to accept players of any age and from anywhere in the world, with any level of experience in Pokemon. Rules Treat others with respect No begging Languages spoken Our primary language is English however we have many Spanish, Hindi , French and Dutch language speakers among others Leadership Leader @MopsarUs (In-game) or MopsarUs#1462 (In Discord) [ON BREAK NOW] Officers @Ketan1010 (in-game) or ket#7811 (In Discord) @WildRover (in-game) or WildRover#1064 (In Discord) @Arnabhero (in-game) or Arnab#9046 (In Discord) Send any of our leadership team member a private message if you are interested in joining or have any questions ---> Thanks for taking a look of our guild forum
  3. PRO Username: SweggerDeg Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? I have a question about pokemon that can be caught in johto, will they be tradeable in Kanto? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Couldn't try to solve it because my friend couldn't get back to Kanto. Description and Message Just a quick question. If a friend of mine catches a pokémon in Johto, for example Houndour. If I haven't defeaten the Elite Four in Kanto yet. Can my friend trade me that Houndour when we are in the same Pokécenter?? This might be a Noob question. But I really need an answer.
  4. Cześć, jeśli jesteś graczem z Polski i interesuje Cię wspólna gra w przyjaznym community z Twojego kraju - trafiłeś w dobre miejsce! Jesteśmy najpopularniejszą i najprężniej rozwijającą się polską Gildią na Serwerze SILVER. Swoją działalność prowadzimy już od stycznia 2017 roku - zatem nie brak nam doświadczenia. Gildia została stworzona przez kilku dobrych znajomych, grających w PRO od momentu jego powstania, a tym, co chcieliśmy osiągnąć było stworzenie specyficznego, wyluzowanego klimatu, gdzie każdy może odciąć się od świata zewnętrznego i (w przeciwieństwie do innych ówczesnych gildii) nie spinać się, że jest w jakiejś elitarnej jednostce, gdzie non-stop należy trzymać fason. Udało się! Gildia ma na celu zjednoczenie polskich poketrenerów pod jednym sztandarem. Od momentu powstania nasza ekipa rozrosła się, rekrutując aktywnych graczy oraz rozwinęliśmy pewne wartości: wzajemną pomoc, szkolenie nowych graczy i szacunek dla innych członków Gildii. Oczywiście nie zapomnijmy o tym, że wszyscy świetnie się bawimy grając w PRO. W naszych szeregach znajdują się zarówno doświadczeni gracze, jak i ci początkujący, którzy w razie pytań i problemów mogą zawsze liczyć na pomoc starszych stażem kolegów. Każdy jest mile widziany. Wewnątrz Gildii odbywają się regularne turnieje i konkursy z atrakcyjnymi nagrodami, a także każdego miesiąca gracze z najlepszymi wynikami w grach rankingowych są nagradzani. Jeśli planujesz dłużej zabawić na serwerze i nudzi Cię samotne przemierzanie świata Pokemon - dołącz do nas! Przestrzegaj ogólnych zasad PRO Aktywnie graj Chcemy graczy, którzy pozostaną z nami na dłuższą metę. Gdy gracz nie jest aktywny przez dłuższy czas (na dzień dzisiejszy +1 miesiąc) zostaje wykluczony z gildii, aby zrobić miejsce dla nowego członka. Każdy gracz wykluczony z powodu braku aktywności może powrócić, jeśli planuje kontynuować grę. Jeśli planujesz dłuższą nieobecność, wystarczy powiadomić o tym lidera. Bądź dojrzały Nie mamy limitu wieku, ale dojrzałość jest ważnym kryterium, które może prowadzić do wykluczenia z Gildii danej osoby. Szanuj innych członków gildii oraz graczy PRO Nie niszcz wizerunku Gildii w rozmowach z innymi graczami na serwerze. Bądź niezależny Gildia nie jest po to, alby dać Ci gotowe Pokemony, pieniądze etc., za to chętnie nauczymy Cię w jaki sposób to wszystko zdobyć. Bądź miły i aktywnie korzystaj z czatu Gildii w grze chcemy Cię poznać, bądź kimś więcej niż tylko nickiem na liście członków. Bądź uczciwy Nie chcemy w naszej Gildii oszustów. Miej dystans Czasami lubimy pożartować, nie pouczaj i nie bądź zbyt poważny, daj innym się wyszaleć, w końcu to tylko gra Bonus Exp 7.5% dla Gildii powyżej 95 członków. Gra w miłym i otwartym towarzystwie. Szybka integracja z innymi graczami. Możliwość uzyskania pomocy w każdym momencie gry. Dostęp do rozwiniętego Discorda Gildii. Loterie, turnieje i konkursy dla wszystkich członków Gildii. Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany dołączeniem do Gildii proszę o kontakt poprzez wiadomość prywatną w grze do mnie lub jednego z Officerów (wymienionych poniżej), dołącz do nas na Discordzie albo po prostu napisz pod tym postem, jakoś się zgadamy. Jeśli przed podjęciem decyzji masz jakieś pytania, chcesz nas poznać bliżej, pogadać - wbijaj śmiało na Discorda! >>> https://discord.gg/8gh5YHD <<< Osoby do kontaktu (komenda w grze /pm nick):
  5. Synergy is a competitive guild with an chill and welcoming atmosphere. Both our members and management constantly indulge in several activities that are not limited to the competitive areas which includes hunting groups and daycare to ensure the success of our community. We provide an enjoyable community to learn and to grow into an experienced player in which you will be able to utilize several of our benefits which are mentioned below. In contrast to other top guilds, we seek to build a stress and drama free community despite competing for the top spot in the guild ladder. However, sacrifices are often necessary to fulfill the vision that we have for our guild, we prioritize the success of every individual who are willing to join our ranks and contribute to the greater goal that we aspire to accomplish. -Daycare- -Hunting Service- -Expertise in Teambuilding- -Active competitive discussions-
  6. HI EVERYONE ! Welcome to Duck Hat Squad ! We are glad to announce that we are recruiting members again. The guild was founded in 2019. We are looking for french and dynamic people to join us (we have cookies). All the french people in game are welcomed in our happy, lively -and a bit crazy- guild. We are aiming for the top ten of the ranked guild ladder, we are currently eleventh. To apply, you can answer to this post or PM one of these officers : Klink, Kamilfou, Fallone, Cleoeo, Liptorizarre69, Di10 or Kvin313. You can also join our Discord : https://discord.gg/QPKUjBj No particular qualification will be required, but if you are interrested to PVP and/or Random ranked, we can help you to begin. The only real qualification required is to speak french. Hoping to see you soon, The Duck Hat Squad staff SALUT A TOUS ! Bienvenue chez Duck Hat Squad ! Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que nous recrutons de nouveau. La guilde a été fondée en 2019. Nous recherchons des joueurs français dynamiques pour rejoindre nos rangs (nous avons des cookies). Tous les joueurs français seront les bienvenus dans notre joyeuse guilde, vivante -et un petit peu folle. Nous visons le top dix du ranked guild ladder, nous sommes actuellement onzièmes. Pour postuler, vous pouvez soit répondre à ce post, soit contacter l'un de ces officers en PM : Klink, Kamilfou, Fallone, Cleoeo, Liptorizarre69, Di10 ou Kvin313. Vous pouvez aussi intégrer notre Discord : https://discord.gg/QPKUjBj Aucune qualification particulière n'est requise, mais si vous êtes intéressés par le PVP et/ou le Random ranked,nous pouvons vous aider à commencer. La seule véritable qualification requise est d'être francophone. En espérant vous voir bientôt, La staff de Duck Hat Squad
  7. Welcome to Mystic Guardians! "Mystic Guardians is a welcoming and inclusive English-speaking guild that is currently recruiting new members! We are a group of passionate players who love the world of Pokemon Revolution Online. Our main focus is on improving our skills, sharing knowledge, and building a fun and inclusive community." What We Offer: - A friendly community of experienced trainers. - A fun and engaging environment for battles, trading, training, and leveling up. - Access to exclusive clan events, tournaments, and giveaways. - A well-organized Discord server to chat and strategize. - Join us for a relaxed PvE experience, where we provide hunting tips and support to help you excel in the game! - We offer PvP training and support for those interested in improving their skills. Join us to learn and enhance your PvP abilities! Requirements to Join: - Must be 18 years or older. - A Discord account must be at least 1 year old to join the clan. - A positive attitude and commitment to supporting fellow trainers. - You must join our Discord server to participate in clan events and activities. - You don't have to be active all the time, but we hope you'll be around when you can. How to Join: If you meet our requirements and are interested in joining our clan, please contact the clan leaders for more information. You can reach out to EmeraldBC, ekiezaru, on Discord. Alternatively, you can message us in-game using the usernames Ghostceous and ProfEkie. You can also contact us through the forums. We look forward to hearing from you! Unleash the Guardian within!
  8. Welcome to Majik Ninjas! if you are interested or have already joined us, feel free to join our discord! https://discord.gg/WgHU25Sg The benefits of joining us. - Discord hosted events including great rewards, Pokemon and items!!! - Fun and active atmosphere with 77 active members thus far - Help with Story mode, Pokédex filling, questions and needs, legendary quests, and more!! - Beginners and experienced players welcome - 7.5% exp boost as of the moment, 10% when we reach 100 members Requirements - stay active, we like to have good conversations and even better events, for this we need participation -don't harass people in chat or spam, doing so will result in removal. Leadership: contact us/friend us in game. Leader: J1nxx officers: Bartis999, Mjtheking001, 00ghost00 to be continued...
  9. Yo, been an on and off player since 2017 and want to find a guild that wont mind my periods of inactivity and periods of hyperactivity lmao i have just about 300 hours in the game at the moment and am sinnoh champion. Willing to help with dex but not really big on pvp let me know if your interested.
  10. I'm trying to teach outrage to my tyrantrum, I believe this is the only way, and he only gives me option to check win streak or battle. I've beaten him tons of times it even shows an active win streak of 2. But he gives no option for tutor??
  11. yesterday i created a guild name TamizhanS .then i invited some players now my guild strength is 9 ,now i cant invite anyone and cant promote or kick anyone but iam the leader even guild guild officers cant invite anyone
  12. Hello guys i am a active player of pro I love to do pvp and always have near 300 rating every season i am looking for a pvp guild specially guild with access to guild island.
  13. A bug just happened to me on the boss Koichi. Press to battle him in hard mode, when you lose yourself instantly, or even start the battle. The battle didn't even happen. Fix it. (11 days) ?????
  14. Hi! This is just a quick job for Trade Moderators. A kind user from PRO discord traded me some pokemon so I could rush story in Silver Server so that I could make the Sinnoh Access guide in forums. It seems the user and I never happen to meet each other and I just want them traded back to him, since he's not really active. Their IDs are: 33142091, 28244762, 2124384, 8533530, 12276334. Thank you! :) If you want, you can also return the other level 100s that have been traded to my Bhimoso account in Silver Server to their respective owners.
  15. I need help to beat Pluton and I tried before but I need 1 more poke to properly beat him because my last poke is not as strong as the rest so plz give a poke for me to beat him(I have also been stuck on him and Hannah for ages). I know some people will say "just train lol" but I have been for ages now and most of them are already lvl 100 but I cant beat him
  16. As my darkrai is now halloween form, can i transform it to default form now, or i need to wait till next halloween event?
  17. Hello there! I completed the Hoenn teleport quest ages ago, and I often use the transportation system without any issues. Yet, a few minutes ago, I went to New Mauville and randomly talked to Wattson inside the generator room; he thanked me again for having reestablished power, told me the usual thing about the teleporters now working ... and I got TP'd back to the last teleporter I had used (Verdanturf precisely). When I tried using the teleporter to get back to Mauville, the guard told me there was an electrical shortage, just like at the beginning of the quest. I walked back to New Mauville (no Aqua/Magma members as usual), talked to Wattson again in the generator room, and he gave me the disk thing to do again, which is honestly annoying... Now there's no reason it doesn't work after having installed the software all over again, but it looks like a really annoying bug. EDIT: Did the whole disk thing again, got to beat Wally once again, and it now properly works. Still a waste of time
  18. I beat all 5 members of team rockets, but the grunt guarding the dor wont let me pass
  19. Welcome to Luma About us Hello fellow trainers Luma is an aspiring guild focused on creating a fun and friendly environment with casual players who request companions to play with. if you looking for help or wish to help other people we are the guild for you, your not alone. we are currently recruiting people on silver server. your experience in the guild depends on your activity, the more active you are the more you get to participate in and experience. as players and members we look for members who do their best to be active. What we look for >respect >game knowledge >questions >common sense >People with drive What we are not looking for >Toxicity >beggars >Scammers >liars Owners >Entress 150+ hours Discord SyN#0752 Requirements >ING >Discord user >What is you favorite Pokemon? >What is your favorite Pokemon? >Why do you want to join? Discord
  20. I see that you have reworked some bosses. You guys even put limit to the bosses. I mean for what ? It didn't get better and even bugged ! Especially when I got stuck during the boss which has the longest cooldown. If possible I want that boss cooldown reset :)
  21. Well, that is simply, I enter the silver server and what happens is that after a while of playing it closes for no reason. And I would like to know why this happens, or how I can solve it
  22. Our guild is seeking players who enjoy Pokemon Revolution Online!!! We are a friendly pack~ We like to help one another, and strive to be one of the best guilds on silver ! We have a lot of knowledge in the guild when it comes to ranked pvp, quests, training pokemon, collecting, shinnies, and more!!! We will have a lot of different events such as pvp journeys, hunting contests and we like to play showdown together as well. "This guild is more than just the game, this guild is a family with people actively supporting one another and be happy no matter what happens ~Requirements~ We are a friendly group and are the requirements to join are only a few^^ Have at least 100~ hours. (we allow people lower hours as well, depends on the person ) A desire to communicate with guild members. Primarily a member of the silver Server. You must be able to withstand our hardship as new one together !!!!! Be active ~Questions~ ~We have a small questionnaire we would like you to fill out so we can get to know you better~ It would be awesome if you include this in your application 1. What is your current play time? 2. What is your favorite thing to do in pro 3. Do You like to help your friends (this is most important....) 4. What are your goals in pro? 5. Why do you wish to join our pack? If you have any questions please pm me or /our leader in game!!! khurshid Or hit me up on Discord (mythology#3030) Our discord server suggestions also welcome for this new guild https://discord.gg/uwk7ftY feel free to join our server
  23. I defeated the pumpkin king and i still can't buy ev reducing berries in goldenrod, what can i do to get it fixed?
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