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Everything posted by Ultron

  1. I support to mecha ideas !!!
  2. As i say in the post, i did that many times and didnt work, i faint my eevee like 4 times, close client, get max happy again in night and didnt works.
  3. Hi guys, i tried to evolve my eevee into umbreon but was impossible. I let it faint to low the happyness and level up the happynes again and never evolved, even i restart the client after eevee faints and nothing works
  4. 8m, im Loki i logged in wrong account xd
  5. is your, can you pm me ingame or discord Ultron#9363.
  6. Bump, 31 hrs left,
  7. Start price 1.5m Minimum bid 100k Rerrol=700k CC=380k Ends 48 hours after the first offer here or ingame.
  8. Solved, close topic please
  9. Hola quiero reportar un bug que no permite evolucionar mi eevee en umbreon, las condiciones fueron correctas (horario nocturno y felicidad completa) para la evolución pero al subirle nivel no evolucionó. Adjunto evidencia, gracias por su ayuda.
  10. s.o 2m, min bid raise of 100k, auction ends in 48 hours after first bid accept pokedollars, cc for 380 k and IV rr for 700 k, insta 4m
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