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Everything posted by Raycyr

  1. Hello, I just tried to fight Logan in Sinnoh (Cave of Justice) in medium difficulty. His Serperior attacked me with Leaf Storm. However, instead of greatly decreasing its Spec Atk like its supposed to, it was greatly increasing it! My whole team got one shot. Could that bug be fixed for next time? Cheers,
  2. Hello, Iam in the forest maze and I don't get it. I looked for the items to interact and eventually I found a pile of leaves who said " A weird noise sounds" or something and then nothing. And when I go to wooden sign, nothing happens except a message saying Welcome. What should I do? All the other items didnt return anything...
  3. Re: Official Legendary Tournament Round Two: Registration. <r>I participate, red server, GMT+1, more than 359 hours.<br/> <URL url="https://prnt.sc/dhv74o">https://prnt.sc/dhv74o</URL></r>
  4. Salut je serai intéressé par rejoindre votre guilde. Mon ancienne n'a plus vraiment lieu d'être vu que le maitre de guilde ne se connecte plus.^^ j'ai 20 ans et j'ai 230 heures à la louche. Mon but est est de profiter de ce jeu très bien fait pour approfondir mes connaissances et construire une team décente pour des PVP. Voila si je peux ou dois fournir plus d'infos je le ferais avec plaisir =)
  5. Re: Client stuck on "checking map updates" <t>Same i am stuck on the checking map version. Tried to download again both PRO32 and PRO64 but nothing...</t>
  6. hey i have a problem to reconnect to the game. I was playing and suddenly the game crashed and now i cannot reconnect beacause i am offline. I don't understand why because my internet works well
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