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  1. Wow, thank you, i have actually never talked to this guy again... my fault
  2. I am not 100% sure, but i dont think i was disconnecting. But as i said, i didnt went to Mr Stone after helping the old man in the Tunnel. First i went to Dewford town and talked to the guard and Steven. As this didnt work, i went back to Mr Stone. The dialog was the same as shown in the screenshot.
  3. I screenshoted every dialog possible. I hope there is a fix to my problem.
  4. Thank you for your answer. I have talked to both of them plenty of times. it always shows the same text. The guard keeps telling me to look for Steven and Steven only says he is busy studying the stones or smth like that. The Servers seem to be down right now so i cant show you the exact text by screenshot.
  5. Hello, I am on the Main quest right now and i am Stuck in Dewford Town I helped the old man in Tunnel in R116 and im not sure if he gave me the devon scope. after that i head to R114 and went to Deworf town. I was talking to the guard at the Gym. Then i was going to Granite crave and talked to Steven. He wouldnt move so i checked the Walkthrough. Seens like i was supposed to talk to Mr Stone first, but he wont give me the letter for his son anymore. Can you please help me? Ingamename: Hiimnoob Server: Silver Timezone: MESZ (Germany)
  6. Hello, i would like to deevolve and delevel my Rotom-Heat and Trade-Evolve my Seadra. In-game name: Demonmahesvara Server: Silver GMT Timezone: UTC +2 (germany) Delevel request: In-game name: Demonmahesvara Server: Silver Pokemon ID and/or screenshot: ID No. 10365254 (Rotom-Heat)
  7. Hello, i got two requests. Trade request: In-game name: Demonmahesvara Server: silver GMT Timezone: UTC+2 (Germany) I would like to have my Slowpoke evolved ID: 9764195 it is already carrying a Kings Rock Delevel request: I would like to have my Rotom Deleveled. Its Level 100 ID: 10365254
  8. Hello, What happens to an account where you are banned on the Red Server but still play on the Blue Server? Is your account then banned for the global Server, or can you keep playing your Blue Server profile?
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