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  1. L0wd

    Daily Rewards?

    I would go a little further and would do something like raising the reward when logging in some days in a row: 1. Day: $1000 2. Days: $2000 3. Days: $3000 .... 7. Days and more: $7000 Would be great!
  2. All you do is complaining about the game. Just don't play it if you don't like it. :Bored:
  3. That's what I wrote... :Ambivalent:
  4. If the "Logging in..." message appears then you just have to wait. Even if you can't see the queue window, you already joined it. Be patient and don't close the client if you saw the "Logging in..." message.
  5. Helped me a lot. Thanks for that nice designed guide. :y:
  6. If you can read the words "Logging in..." and it fades away you have to wait a little bit until you join the queue (or login if the server isn't full). Don't close the client.
  7. Hallo zusammen, würde auch gerne der Gilde beitreten. Bin 20 Jahre alt und habe letzte Woche bei PRO angefangen. Habe schon als Kind gerne Pokemon gespielt und finde, dass PRO einiges richtig gut umgesetzt hat. Im Moment habe ich das Ziel alle Orden zu holen und mich danach aufs EV Training für's PVP zu konzentrieren. :Angel: Bin berufstätig und daher meistens nur abends online. mfG
  8. [bbvideo=560,315] [/bbvideo]
  9. You can buy the membership on the account site or you buy coins so you can buy mounts, (tradeable) membership medal and so on.. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  10. Welcome and have fun :)
  11. You are sure that you spelled your e-mail right? And did you take a look in your spam folder?
  12. Welcome and have fun :)
  13. /this. All advantages can be found here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/Account.php
  14. I think I fixed it by changing a few settings of my router. Thank you all for the fast help. :y:
  15. Did you test it with a lan connection yet? It does work with LAN, but unfortunately it's not a great solution.
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