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Everything posted by Souto

  1. Re: Villidan's Untrained EPIC Shop Open <t>1.3m dratini</t>
  2. It does get inner focus: https://www.smogon.com/dex/xy/pokemon/darumaka/
  3. I also agree with futz's idea of making them recatchable, maybe after beating one or two hard bosses. It seems unfair that some people are lucky enough to have competitive legendaries while most of us don't. I understand that, as in any other RPG, luck is an important factor; if they were recatchable (maybe once every two weeks), RNG would still be playing an important factor, as it could be possible to get a competitive poke at the fist try, but it would also be possible to only get it at the 20th. However, not having the chance of repeating the capture is way too unfair. In terms of competitive game, even if everyone was able to get a 20+ iv legendary, it would not be such a big change for PVP, as they are not overpowered pokes and they can be countered. In my opinion, it would actually bring some variety to the actual PVP meta, making combats more fun. I agree with PRO policy of making legendaries hard to catch, only after a long quest with high requirements. If this was implemented, it would make the possibility of getting a legendary poke even more difficult, as people would have to spend about 2-3 months to get a decent one. It would also bring legendary pokes to its epic place again because, to be honest, the only utility they have nowadays is to use them as HM slaves.
  4. Re: CrowTele13 SHOP [Epic PVP Pokes , Mounts & Others] <t>I will buy Duskull #1 150k pm here ir ingame</t>
  5. 300k gothitha number 3
  6. Not really.. :Ambivalent:
  7. Re: Epic skarmory <r>320k <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  8. 400k for electrivire
  9. Re: WTS Shiny Budew [spatk nature] <t>i start, 50k</t>
  10. Re: [WTS] Epic Shiny Gyarados <t>200k here</t>
  11. Re: Amazing pvp pokemons lvl 100 and low lvl's (with insta prices!) <t>umbreon insta</t>
  12. i offer 200k
  13. Re: Selling Small Epic Rain team + Other Nice/Epic pokes. <t>430k azumarrill</t>
  14. Re: Selling Small Epic Rain team + Other Nice/Epic pokes. <t>250k azumarrill</t>
  15. You have BO. Have i won? It has been 24 hours since my offer :) Yes, i will contact you later ingame.
  16. I am sorry, I have not been able to play yesterday. Sold, contact me ingame. 24h after your offer, so 2:12 pm today You have BO.
  17. Re: Epic adamant Scyther / Epic adamant Leavanny UPDATE <r>50k scyther <E>:y:</E></r>
  18. Re: Souto's Super Shop <t>I am going to add some more pokes tonight.</t>
  19. Re: Souto's Super Shop <r><QUOTE author="mamoudousan"><s> </e></QUOTE> Perfect <E>:y:</E></r>
  20. Re: Souto's Super Shop <r><QUOTE author="Vosh"><s> </e></QUOTE> I am sorry, bo starts from 270k</r>
  21. Please, take in mind: All sales will be in form of auction, which will start when a good offer is presented. Auctions will end 24 hours after the last offer. There is not insta price, just make an offer. I reserve the right to reject your offer and withdraw my Pokes here. Pokes are sold without item. Fake bid means instant report. Membership and rare candies are accepted. 1 MS = 145k, 1 rc = 13k. You can also contact me ingame or with a PM.
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