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Everything posted by Viktoriusiii

  1. Nowhere. Not anywhere I looked to find help did anything tell me about this damn Alakazam. And even other players didn't mention this Alakazam! They all just said/showed to talk to paul, or if he isn't there to find some other weird NPCs. Thank you very much. Yes this worked. I am sorry that there was this easy fix. Thank you for your time and effort. Now I can finally continue Much appreciated.
  2. So... the game is abandoned by any mods/admins then?
  3. *BUMP* PLEASE??? What else can i do to get some help around here??
  4. *bump* Still can't progress... are there no Admins/Moderators anymore?
  5. *bump* PLEASE??? I can't progress like this. Basicially been waiting since tuesday for a reply.
  6. Hello. Yes I have looked at all the relevant threads. Yes none of the 3 NPCs show up (paul sharon and the other). I probably started the quest 2021 when I played actively and only started recently again. Now Paul is nowhere to be seen and even the galactic gruns are not spawned in. I already posted here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/871-new-sinnoh-quest-bug-report-megathread/page/14/ but I don't want to wait days/weeks for this to be notieced. Please contact me or teleport me to sinnoh or whatever Trainername: Razakiii thank you very much. Yes I beat elite4 yes I have 6 lvl 100 pkm. And yes I know where the lighthouse and the other two possible NPCs are. *edit* posted here again based on @Norex's suggestion. Thank you
  7. Server: Silver IGN: Razakiii Description: Hello there. On my new account Razakiii (which I cannot register here, because I am already registered under this name) every NPC to get to Hoenn is gone. Paul is gone and so are Charon or Stan. Can't continue the game now. Please help. (I started back in 2018 and then started on my new account 2021 but started to play again a few days ago... so it seems I am one of the last people on this earth that is still afflicted by this bug :D) *edit* solved. Was too far and had to talk to an alakazam :'D
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