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Everything posted by Kabarex82

  1. @Username123456 he said it first but i didnt post it
  2. S.o 70k Min bid 10k No insta Ends 24h after s.o
  3. @Kostlyu won. Let me know when u are available
  4. Approx 1h left
  5. S.o 70k Min bid 10k No insta Ends 24h after s.o
  6. @Babasti u won. Im vermi for the trade
  7. S.o 50k Min bid 10k No insta Ends 5h after s.o
  8. I'm online now buddy @Nikolajokic
  9. 860k weavile
  10. 800k weavile
  11. @Jhonvast dude just tell me when you are available
  12. @InnerfocusI tried to communicate with the winner but he didn't respond.
  13. @Jhonvast u won. Let me know when u are available
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