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Everything posted by Kabarex82

  1. 48h auction after first bid No insta 300k s.o 50k min bid
  2. .
  3. Open messages in game bro
  4. Thats what i believe too. But why is this possible tho? Its a hack or something?
  5. Hello. Im pretty sure its the same one , and yeah i think the trade cancelled too cause i think i sold it for like 150-200. But didnt know that was possible. I hope the modes will fix it i guess.
  6. So i just logged in and i noticed i got 150k less for some reason. And also i have in my pc a pawniard i think i sold like a week ago. Whats happening?
  7. Looking for an impish ha gible with decent ivs. Pm me in game or post a screenshot of the gible here.
  8. Looking for impish h.a gible with decent ivs. Pm me in game or here
  9. Sry i started by accident . Didnt mean to bid
  10. So i was trying to do the legendary birds quest. Went to the fire island. Realised i didnt have 6 100lv fire type pokes so i couldnt fight the fire siege and decided to leave. When im trying to pass a certen point while surfing it says " the water is impossible to pass". I got a psyduck with cloud nine ability but still. Im stuck at that map. Pls help!
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