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About Dangerzonex

  • Birthday 09/11/2002

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Dangerzonex's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. i know the solution. please turn off your antivirus or windows defender. it was the same problem for me too but now its solved.
  2. my account was accessible till yesterday but it is saying connection lost now. please do something fast
  3. i also found one egg at route 8 while going to lavender and also one while going to cerulean
  4. hey suddenly i was logged in. sorry for any inconvenience
  5. my account was accessible till yesterday but when i tried to access it now then it was stating - connection lost. i also re-downloaded the file and tried to login again but it was the same. i need quick help because i have time to play now. please do something. thank you.
  6. i have won a anniversery revolution trophy. but what is the use of it? can i claim something
  7. plz evolve my sneasel, Gold server, DangerZoneX and gmt is 5.30+
  8. plz evolve my sneasel i am from gold server and my name is DangerZoneX and my GMT is 5.30+
  9. i want my sneasel to be evolved i am from goldserver and my name is DangerZoneX GMT is 5.30+ i am waiting
  10. hii i am from gold server and some hours ago i have purchase a sneasel of lvl 100 and i have the thing that it needs to evolve on it. my gmt is 5.30+ i am waiting to see it evolve i want my sneasel to be deleveled to 99 from 100 i am from goldserver and my name is DangerZoneX GMT is 5.30+ i am waiting
  11. bad words he gave me [image deleted by Xylos]
  12. [ATTACH=full]13835[/ATTACH][ATTACH=full]13835[/ATTACH][ATTACH]13835[/ATTACH]this boy gave me bad words
  13. hey guys please unmute me i will never ever do a mistake
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