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Hahahaka last won the day on January 14 2019

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Beast Trainer

Beast Trainer (5/12)



  1. alright, thank you
  2. Halloween only cosmetics will be removed from Coin Shop on Monday does the event end at the same time / same day?
  3. there are 3 possible places https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/%E2%98%85-legendary-megathread%E2%8E%AAcomplete-quests-and-seen-data.75301/post-443407
  4. i think it refers to the seen data of Dialga , Palkia , and Arceus https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?threads/%E2%98%85-legendary-megathread%E2%8E%AAcomplete-quests-and-seen-data.75301/post-443407
  5. it's just visual bug can be solved by reopening the game program
  6. you may follow this guide https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/131646-url
  7. you would know it is intended if you read the dialogs
  8. try typing /happy 1~6 (poke slot) in chat to check how much happiness does it have
  9. from you video, it was a visual bug, didn't truly affect your pokes
  10. you won't find any big ethical problem in just 1 run humanity is way more darkness and greedy than you think it doesn't make sense to use ban list from different game (smogon) with same logic it doesn't make sense to copy a thing (PvP council) from different community (smogon) that they don't have trading BUT WE DOES I doubt that if I don't tell you now you would never know : some players have already seeking offer to buy electric, fire and ice gems the day before the announcement made again "never give a handgun to monkey"
  11. the number of base is way to less if only top25 within a year are allowed I recommend to add players with 300+ or 350+ current ranking to the base number
  12. ticket in route 25 2nd last house
  13. Red has nothing to do with the subway I suggest to go check again Red in Mt. Silver
  14. How long is the duration of small train ticket and big train ticket?
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