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About Anthony123

  • Birthday 04/02/1999

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  1. Someone maybe said it already but i got chickorita headbutt today in new bark town
  2. Thanks for speedy reply! I did what you said and it seemed to work, I tested with around 20+ wild encounters and no longer was experiencing the bug. Once again thanks for quick reply and quick fix much appreciated. :)
  3. I also experienced this bug, however i am on windows and it only started today after the new client update. Basically it shows your Pokemon card (whoever is in first slot in my experience) each time i end a battle by fainting a poke or even when i run from a poke, I also tested it with trainers and it also happens after each fainted poke in trainer battle (have not tested in pvp will probably try that later) Im not sure if i can post videos here or i would because it is fairly easy to recreate.
  4. Hello thank you, I wasn't aware the dashboard was being worked on everything is solved thanks for the help !
  5. When I attempted to change my password through the dashboard i was able to get to the confirmation email sent screen. I checked my email and i had to move the email from my spam to my regular inbox. Once I did that I starred the email just in case. (don't know if that matters/ I'm also using gmail) Upon trying to open the email from PRO account team it was blank I will provide screenshots of that email. The first screen cap is of my google inbox with the email in question outlined in red. The second is a screen cap taken just after opening the email.
  6. Sounds like a good idea im down
  7. Code: #1: Anthony123 #2: 19 #3: 2-4 #4: Yes, Anthony1411#0445 #5: Hunting #6:I can bring experience of the game considering I have over 400 hours on each server I just am looking for a social guild to play with #7: No
  8. IGN: Anthony123 Hours: 296 Favorite poke: Kabutops Discord: Anthony1411 #0445
  9. The person on the receiving end might not have required badge to use the mail system
  10. Bump this topic, Made it to top of spear pillar only to realize cyrus wont talk to me. mars and jupiter are suggesting i talk with him but when i try i get teleported back by mars and jupiter without cyrus speaking. It was a long way up and i don't want to trqvel back up here again but I fear i will have too. Please fix asap
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