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Everything posted by Prad7

  2. 3.04 m
  3. 2.09 m
  4. 1.95m partha69
  5. Okay I will input this as an offer. will u agree if cc is @380k ?
  6. 53 minutes left for the auction
  7. 1.45m
  8. 1.35m
  9. 950k now
  10. 8 hours left! Go Go!
  11. Sorry it is for silver server only :)
  12. 700k
  13. Up 650 k
  14. Start from now Bid in game by Siddharth 500k
  15. Starting Offer: 500k Current Offer: 3.2 m (gdarch) Minimum Price Rise: 50k Insta: 5m Auction Ends: 48 hours after first bid (22/06/2020 at 22:10 pm (GMT+7)) Good Luck! SOLD THANKS!
  16. Prad7

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1. What's your Player name (IGN)? prad7 2. Number of hours played? 1315 hours 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? zorua! 4. How old are you? (Optional) 27 :))
  17. Yea me too, Im non MS at the moment. Tyrogue, Clauncher, Tympole, Aron, Yamask, Nincada, Pawniard flee from me tho I have 5k points.. But months ago when I was in [highlight=red]MS[/highlight] I could get like tyrogu clauncher aron I think it has to be an [highlight=red]MS[/highlight]
  18. I caught my first time encountering with Elgyem and Throh with 2492 discoveries. And I 1st encountering Yamask with 2559 at 11:00-12:00 daytime
  19. I found Shadow Claw TM at Haunted site at 02:50 am Discovery just 2349
  20. Im on 1740 discoveries now and called "Advanced" and this is what i just got from sites.. Glacial Site: Clauncher (able to catch) TM12 - Water Gun Haunted Site: (1846 discoveries) Duskull Shuppet Misdreavus Other site just ordinary catching
  21. Oh Ive found the Brock BTW, where is the daycare place in this world ?? First in route 5 Kanto, and where are the other places ?
  22. I got Aron around (My discovery is 1700ish) and found it in day time in Mineral Site And also I got BIG NUGGET here and in other site (i forgot) And got PEARL in another site (Spheal, Wailmer Site)
  23. are they change the price to the same 5000 for all sites ?? because I spent 30k today and not 40k
  24. I got Beldum (he fled away) at 23:07 night time :Grin: my discovery still 1000ish
  25. How about the sylveon in unknown place ? still hard or easier now ? and can we get shiny pokemon from headbutting too ?
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