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Everything posted by Zootrap786

  1. 1.1 + 6cc
  2. 1.2 + 4cc
  3. the auction ended 2 minutes ago.... or still going ?
  4. 1.2 m dratini
  5. 610k Dratini
  6. Starting offer: 2 mil Instant: N/A Minimum raise: 200k Auction starts at first offer and will last 48 hours Current Offer: N/A Start time: N/A End time: N/A Count Down: IGN: zootrap786 Discord: Zootrap#7082
  7. Starting offer: 600k Instant: 2 mil Minimum raise: 100k Auction starts at first offer and will last 48 hours Current Offer: N/A Start time: N/A End time: N/A Count Down: IGN: zootrap786 Discord: Zootrap#7082 CC = 400k Nature RR = 350k IV RR = 700k
  8. Starting offer: 2 mil Instant: N/A Minimum raise: 100k Auction starts at first offer and will last 48 hours Current Offer: N/A Start time: N/A End time: N/A Count Down: IGN: zootrap786 Discord: Zootrap#7082 CC = 400k Nature RR = 350k IV RR = 700k
  9. Starting offer: 400k Instant: 2 mil Minimum raise: 100k Auction starts at first offer and will last 24 hours Current Offer: N/A Start time: N/A End time: N/A Count Down: IGN: zootrap786 Discord: Zootrap#7082 CC = 400k Nature RR = 350k IV RR = 700k
  10. Trade completed. Thanks for the auction!
  11. I tried to message you online. It says you're offline
  12. Congrats Patomilenar is the winner with a bid of 2m. Let me know when you are in game.
  13. ~4 hours remaining C.O is 1.4 mil by Sanidhya
  14. New highest bid by Sanidhya 1.4 mil 29 hrs remaining
  15. Started at 1.2 mil at 3 pm EST will 48 hours https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20211108T15&p0=411&msg=Garde&font=cursive
  16. Starting price and Instant price updated
  17. Status : Completed Starting offer: 1.2 mil Instant: 4.5 mil Minimum raise: 200k Auction starts at first offer and will last 48 hours Current Offer: 2 Mil by Patomilenar Start time: 11/6/21 4 pm EST End time: 11/8/21 3 pm EST (Day Light Savings) Count Down: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20211108T15&p0=411&msg=Garde&font=cursive IGN: zootrap786 Discord: Zootrap#7082 CC = 400k Nature RR = 350k IV RR = 700k
  18. Trade has been completed
  19. The auction has ended. Sanaito, you are the winner with the bid of 3 IV rr or 2.19 mil. Thank you and message me for find a time to complete the trade.
  20. 2.19 m By Sonaito
  21. = 1.76 mil by Bendyyy
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