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Everything posted by Zootrap786

  1. Status : Awaiting Starting offer: 650k Instant: 1.2 mil Minimum raise: 50k Auction starts at first offer and will last 24 hours Current Offer: N/A Start time: TBD End time: TBD IGN: zootrap786 CC = 430k Status : Awaiting Starting offer: 650k Instant: 1.2 mil Minimum raise: 50k Auction starts at first offer and will last 24 hours Current Offer: N/A Start time: TBD End time: TBD IGN: zootrap786 CC = 430k
  2. Accept CC: 400k Ingame: Zootrap786 Discord: Zootrap#7082 Willing to negotiate Tyranitar: 1.2 Mil Gliscor: 750k [SOLD] Cofagrigus: 400k Alolan-Marowak: 650k Dusclops: 500k Porygon2: 400k Alolan-Muk: 400k
  3. ° what can you contribute to Eternity? Well i consider myself a pretty nice guy so I always have that haha. However, I've been playing for a while and I PvP so i will contribute to the ladder. Furthermore, I will help whenever and however I can for guildmates. ° what is your real life and in-game name? Real life name is Kevin and IGN is Zootrap786 ° how old are you and where are you from? I am 25 and from USA ° discord tag? how often are you online there? Zootrap#7082, I am on quite a bit and whenever someone pings me or DM ill answer. I am working so I am there mostly everyday after. ° screenshot of your trainercard
  4. Status : Awaiting Starting offer: 800k Instant: 1.5 mil Minimum raise: 100k Auction starts at first offer and will last 24 hours Current Offer: N/A Start time: TBD End time: TBD IGN: zootrap786 CC = 400k
  5. SO and insta updated
  6. Status : Awaiting Starting offer: 800k Instant: 1.5 mil Minimum raise: 100k Auction starts at first offer and will last 24 hours Current Offer: N/A Start time: TBD End time: TBD IGN: zootrap786 CC = 400k
  7. Winner of the auction is Bash for 800k. Status: Awaiting trade
  8. 17 minutes left until auction ends
  9. Less than 9 hours left
  10. Auction started by Bash at 800k Topic updated and will end in 24 hours EST 9:26 am 10/10/2020
  11. Yes sorry this is my mistake i will fix it
  12. Status : SOLD to Bash Starting at 800k Instant: 1.5 mil Minimum raise: 100k Auction starts at first offer and will last 24 hours Current Offer: 800K by Bash Start time: EST 9:26 am 10/09/2020 End time: EST 9:26 am 10/10/2020 IGN: zootrap786 CC = 400k
  13. Price has been updated
  14. close
  15. Won by Sandeepkr2a for 3 mil Status: Awaiting trade
  16. C.O 5cc = 2 mil 5 hours remaining
  17. 1.7Mil by Wiro 5 hours left
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