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Everything posted by Zootrap786

  1. 2rr tickets = 1.46 mil by Bendyyy 3:08 hours remaining
  2. Noted 3.5 hours remaining
  3. noted 4:47 hours remaining
  4. 6 hours remaining
  5. New B.O by Sonaito for 1.1 mil 30 hours remaining
  6. Timer has started with 1m offer by Bendyyy https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20210927T05&p0=179&msg=Charizard&font=cursive&csz=1
  7. Status : Completed -- Awaiting trade Starting offer: 1mil Instant: None Minimum raise: 100k Auction starts at first offer and will last 48 hours Current Offer: 2.19mil by Sonaito Start time: 5:00 AM EST 9/25/2021 End time: 5:00 AM EST 9/27/2021 Count Down: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20210927T05&p0=179&msg=Charizard&font=cursive&csz=1 IGN: zootrap786 Discord: Zootrap#7082 CC = 400k Nature RR = 350k IV RR = 730k
  8. Status : Not Started Starting offer: 600k Instant: 2.2m Minimum raise: 100k Auction starts at first offer and will last 24 hours Current Offer: N/A Start time: N/A End time: N/A IGN: zootrap786 CC = 400k Nature RR = 350k IV RR = 730k
  9. Hope someone helps you fix this. I have never seen this bug before. That does stink.
  10. Status : Not Started Starting offer: 600k Instant: 2.2m Minimum raise: 100k Auction starts at first offer and will last 24 hours Current Offer: N/A Start time: N/A End time: N/A IGN: zootrap786 CC = 400k
  11. Winner just let me know when you are online
  12. Newest bid is 550k by Abdussayeb007 2 hrs and 50 mins left https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20210206T15&p0=179&msg=Lycanroc+Auction&ud=1&font=serif
  13. Update: 5.5 hours left in auction
  14. Countdown timer: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20210206T15&p0=179&msg=Lycanroc+Auction&ud=1&font=serif
  15. Status : Awaiting Starting offer: 1 mil Instant: 3 Mil Minimum raise: 100k Auction starts at first offer and will last 24 hours Current Offer: N/A Start time: TBD End time: TBD IGN: zootrap786 CC = 400k Edited 2 hours ago by zootrap786
  16. Status : Completed Starting offer: 500k Instant: N/A Minimum raise: 50K Auction starts at first offer and will last 24 hours Current Offer: 600l by Nightcare Start time: 3:00 pm EST 2/5/2021 End time: 3:00 pm EST 2/6/2021 https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20210206T15&p0=179&msg=Lycanroc+Auction&ud=1&font=serif IGN: zootrap786 CC = 430k
  17. Status : Awaiting Starting offer: 350k Instant: 650k Minimum raise: 50k Auction starts at first offer and will last 24 hours Current Offer: N/A Start time: TBD End time: TBD IGN: zootrap786 CC = 430k
  18. Thank you for taking the time and looking into it. Made my day so I appreciate your effort
  19. So this means that I have to be punished for now a total of 3 weeks even though I did nothing wrong ? How is this even a remotely reasonable way to handle this situation. There has to be a way to actually note that this was a server issue and not a personal issue and just punish players for a lack of stability in servers right? I don't think just saying sorry and hope you understand will take away the frustration of players who spend time and money as well. Its extremely disappointing. I've never had an issue of anything like this in the past and its sad to see the one time I do there is no help that can even be had.
  20. I was doing my Nikola after a 21 day cooldown and in the middle of winning the server crashes. I figured that bosses are reset if its a server crash in mid battle, but its making me wait the entire 21 days AGAIN. I find this immensely unfair since this is not even a problem on my end. The crash occurred around 8pm EST. I am sure you can see this is the time that it happened from other reports. I would appreciate any help. Thank you for your time and consideration.
  21. Status : Awaiting Starting offer: 800k Instant: 1.5 mil Minimum raise: 50k Auction starts at first offer and will last 24 hours Current Offer: N/A Start time: TBD End time: TBD IGN: zootrap786 CC = 440k
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