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Everything posted by Jacotrica

  1. Start offer lowered from 2m to 1,5m. Also accept other shinies to trade with. Pm me with image or link them here as comment. :thanks:
  2. if u dont want to buy it with 2m, just dont comment mate ur comment will be erased later by mod :thanks:
  3. Yes i am sure, for me who likes s kadabra its 2m worth, we dont need to discuss about its nature, speed+, hight ivs is still ok for a s kadabra. I wanted to chare my shiny with you and im ready to start an auction with 2m. If nobody wants it its fine too, then ill keep it and i still have a s kadabra. I havent lost anything. Hope for understanding and no more comments which doesnt relate on an offer. :thanks:
  4. Re: Cantstopwontstops humble Competitive Shop <r>1,2m on ttar sassy, 1,5m on metagross <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  5. [glow=red]TRADED[/glow] Thanks to everyone who offered :thanks:
  6. Yea that is nice to know. Do you remember how long your hunt lasted? I was hunting about 2 hours for 4 different rare Pokes (riolu, deino, gible and axew) so 8 hours in total and made about 40-45 encounters per 10 minutes. The result was one rare Poke after 200 encounters on average.
  7. Good luck buddy, seems like you encounter one dratini after 200 total encounters. Thats the same statistic i made once for deino, riolu and axew. So the rarity is pretty balanced, nice to know^^
  8. </B></SIZE> [glow=red]Kanto Hunt-by Ancient Times[/glow] </COLOR></SIZE> RED-Server <i></i> <SIZE size="150"><COLOR color="#BF0000">External Event for EVERYONE 8.10.16-22.10.16 Hello Trainer and welcome to the Kanto hunt event. Inspired by Sharlanks last Hoenn hunt event, we decided to start another farming event and would be glad if you all appreciate it and join our competition. So let’s hunt some epic Kanto Pokemon together. <B> Price <SIZE size="150">1st Place: 1Million Pokedollar+ 1 Membership 2nd Place: 500k+1Membership 3rd Place: 250k+Lapras Mount Apart from that, one Membership will be given away between all participants randomly. You can keep all your Pokemon you have hunted during the event. Which Pokemon are waiting to be hunted? There will be a pool of 12 Pokemon and you can decide by yourself which one you prefer to hunt. We chose six rare Pokes and six commons. You have to farm a rare one and a common one, so everyone has to hunt two Pokemon in total. Each of the listed Pokemon can be catched in Kanto and also have to be catched only in that region! Calculation of your Pokemons value Important, less important and irrelevant IV-Points: Very important! If you are farming two Pokemon which can be hunted at the same area like Growlithe and Charmander on Cinnebar Island, it’s not allowed to submit them both with the same nature. E.g. You are not allowed to hunt for adamant Growlithe and adamant Charmander. You are allowed to hunt for jolly Charmander and timid Growlithe. With this rule we try to prevent that you can farm two Pokemon with one Sync Pokemon at the same time, which wouldn’t be fair for ohters, who hunt for two Pokemon with different spawning locations When you are done with your hunting, you have to take a screenshot of your Pokemon, so we can see its IV and your OT and the date when you have caught it. There is a NPC in Moosdeep City who will tell you all the information we need. Additionally we will check out the supposed winners by ourself to make sure everything is legit. You have to submit your caught Pokemon during the two weeks timeline. Submission after [glow=red]22.10.2016 11.59 pm (CET-Central European Time)[/glow] won’t be accepted. How to register [glow=red]DISCORD>>[/glow] https://discord.gg/RQnNBzz If you want to join our event, you have to join our Discord Server so we can add you as participant. You don’t have to pay any fee for the registration. If you have any questions, feel free to contact [glow=blue]Siver, Roboteddy or myself[/glow] on Discord.
  9. Da wir nun zweite Gilde aufgemacht haben, ist nun wieder Platz für weitere Mitglieder :)
  10. darker then black had pretty sad moments
  11. Ok I did the quest again now and can start with collecting my event points :y: So I am fine now^^ but you need to take the new rewards I got, shown in the screenshots. :thanks:
  12. Before the Server went off, i finished the main quest with team aqua/magma , chose to help team magma and got my rewards. Talked with Rick and started with hunting mudkip for the event points. After the Server went on, the whole quest is like reseted. I noticed it while talking with Rick, he said im not expirienced. Talked with the npc who gave me the reward in the city and he told me that i have to solve the problem (finish the quest). I went in the magma base and now team magma wants to battle me, but like I said, I finished the quest line and chose to help magma, not aqua. You can see in the pic, that I have my rewards, the hat and the clothes and that the magma dude wants to battle. So it seems like the quest is reseted and like the other way around so that i have to beat magma instead of aqua, what i did before. Its like a roleback but i still have my rewards. So if i continue now, will I get rewards again? I dont ask cause i wanna keep them if so^^ I think ill try it and if yes you can take them from me. Just want to start collecting my event points what requireds to finish the quest first^^ :thanks:
  13. Wir begrüßen unsere neuen Mitglieder Claw, Chosenspirit,Rawside25, Akasha93 und Dextrejr :Shy:
  14. [glow=red] [/glow] [glow=blue]An erster Stelle möchten wir sowohl neuen als auch fortgeschritteneren Spielern eine nette deutsche Community anbieten, in der man sich untereinander über Spieleinhalte austauschen, sich gegenseitig helfen oder auch über Gott und die Welten reden kann. Wir werden auch unser Bestes geben um uns einen Namen zu machen und im PvP oben mitmischen. Die Konkurrenz ist zwar sehr stark, doch gemeinsam können wir die Besten werden, wobei der Spaßfaktor bei uns ganz groß geschrieben steht. Um den Zusammenhalt zu steigern und als Trainer stetig besser zu werden, wird es regelmäßig Gilden interne Wettkämpfe geben, als auch Guides und Diskussionsrunden die dir dabei helfen sollen als Trainer über dich hinauszuwachsen.[/glow] [glow=red] [/glow] [glow=blue]Siver, unser Gilden-Leader, hat eine Homepage ins Leben gerufen, die ähnlich aufgebaut ist wie das Pro Forum, in der du viele Guides unter anderem zum PvP, einen Questleitfaden, Diskussionsrunden und vieles vieles mehr findest. Wir arbeiten gemeinsam daran, dass die Seite mit Inhalten gefüllt wird, das heißt du darfst dich (musst aber nicht) bei Interesse, selbst an unserem Projekt beteiligen und das Forum mit deinen Ideen und Guides ausschmücken.[/glow] [glow=red] [/glow]
  15. Wir werden es im Hinterkopf behalten, allerdings steht zur Zeit noch nichts in Planung was den gelben Server angeht. Du darfst aber gerne unserer kleinen deutschen Community beitreten und uns auf unserer Homepage [glow=red]prokedex.de[/glow] besuchen, als auch auf unsererm Discordserver. Den Link dazu findest du auf der Homepage ;) Wäre nice wenn man sich dort mal liest :y:
  16. Re: Price Check for Epic Snorlax. <t>Havent dealt with snorlax for a while but I would say if trained u could sell it for 1 mill+ for sure</t>
  17. Re: New Zone: Valley Of Steel <r><QUOTE author="straatlamp"><s> </e></QUOTE> he is hidden, talk to every tree on route 103 and u will find him ;)</r>
  18. Hallo, wir nehmen dich gerne auf, adde mich einfach sobald du online bist /friend jacotrica :Smile: Discord Server ist vorhanden, findest den Link dazu und viele weitere Infos unter unserer Homepage prokedex.de :y:
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