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Everything posted by Idrawn

  1. Nombre de Usuario: Scrafty Discord(Opcional): iDrawn#8543 Horas Jugadas: 97Hrs. ¿Juegas PvP o te interesaría aprender?: Como soy nuevo aun no empiezo, pero me gustaria aprender, mi enfoque es llegar a jugar pvp en este juego. ¿Por qué te gustaría entrar?: Parece una guild seria y con gente activa, asi me podrian enseñar como es el pvp aca y ayudarme con algunas builds :).
  2. Name Change Username: Scrafty New Username: iDrawn Server to charge the money from: Silver iDrawn was my old account this was banned
  3. What is your Discord tag? iDrawn#8543 How often do you use Discord? Sometimes, looking for pvp builds If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? Pvp tiers officials, and more events
  4. Idrawn

    Fly system

    Hi, i'm chilean, so my english is not good but I try to explain my idea of a flight system with the help of google translate Fly system; u need points for fly, The points are recharged every 2 hours and as a normal player have a max of 2 points (memberships have a max of 4 points) I would love to help me refine this system so that it can be taken into account by developers :Smile:
  5. +1 better storage system !
  6. My english is very bad so i'll try to explain my idea Fly with cooldown, 6 hours 1 fly, it will charge, max 5 fly charges Members have a cooldown reduction to 5 hour for 1 fly, and max fly charges 7 >:3
  7. The friend who sold it could not pay me and gave it back :confused: Best offer https://prntscr.com/8ql713 i only accept $ and ms ! :Grin:
  8. https://prntscr.com/8qaoe9 Last offer was 1.7m, i don't remember the name i'll check this post in 24hrs, so offer :Grin:
  9. Post reset i have my pilowswine equiped with macho brace, after reset now i have 2 leftovers https://prntscr.com/8ntn9r
  10. Nice work man :Grin:
  11. in kanto the best route for lvl atak is route 10, have kraby (1), golden (1), seaking (2) and kingler (2) and have a high rate of appearance Sorry 4 my bad english, this isn't my main.
  12. Where is the best place to catch heracross,ralts and aipom? i'm follow this guide https://pokemonrevolutiononlineguide.jimdo.com/ But i don't who is more rare if member pokes or rares e_e
  13. Use JoyToKey
  14. Not exist
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