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About Nofun

Nofun's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Edited, since no one offer yet ill close this
  2. I'll take care of your dollars, Atleast my live in pro is better than my real life suxxx
  3. aurora soul is won because time is up ^^ ty for all bidders
  4. AUCTIONING THIS : Start bidding is from 100k. I'll set timer when someone bid at starting price and runs out in 24HRS. No insta. Aight because someone start bid ill set timer u can see countdown here https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180820T20&p0=437&font=cursive&csz=1
  5. Q: What is your IGN? NoFun Q: What is your discord name? NoDirection#3931 Q: What is your timezone? Eastern Standard Q: How many hours of PRO do you have? 300+ Q: What is your favorite Pokemon? Blaziken Q: Why do you want to join King of Games? Cool Guild with same goals
  6. ok solved, thx for fast response ^^
  7. 300k on the 2nd attempt
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