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Everything posted by Momo2224

  1. Noted Thesausagelover 13 Hours Left
  2. Noted Rudedingo22 Timer: https://vclock.com/timer/#countdown=48:00:00&date=2024-10-18T00:06:06
  3. Hey, auctioning this Halloween Mawile Start - 1m Min bid - 50k No insta Time - 48 hrs from 1st bid
  4. hey! I still haven't gotten this
  5. You need to be online for me to add you, lmk when you are available
  6. how much time left?
  7. I wanted to start the Heatran quest, that requires Sinnoh hours so I went to Prof Rowan to check mine but it has a Lake Trio quest dialogue instead of the Sinnoh Hours (I can't just finish the Lake Trio quest because the next step requires me 140 more hours that I have)
  8. Noted BuSoCiu 3m8 Timer https://vclock.com/timer/#countdown=48:00:00&date=2022-03-13T11:26:17
  9. Momo2224

    New Leaf - Fw/k

    1. What's your Player name (IGN)? - Momo2224 2. Number of hours played? -350 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? - Buizel! if it wasn't clear enough by my pfp 4. How old are you? - 20
  10. SOLD (Insta by Iceskater in game) Ending time : 24 hours after first bid Start offer: 500k Min raise: 100k Insta: 1.5m I accept CC as 400k and IV reroll as 700k
  11. There is an old man npc bugged in the safari zone entrance in sinnoh
  12. Hey! my discord tag is Momo2224#8684 I enter when the red crashes (every day) kappa or when i want to use the bot commands I would add as pinned messages all the bot commands we can use.
  13. I played 16 hours in a day and i vanished, that's kinda funny lol
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