S.o: 2M
Minimum raise: 300k
Insta: 16M
Auction will end 3 days (72 hours) after first bid
Payment methods: Pokedollars, CCs = 350k, IV RR = 750k, and Nature RR = 350k
To everyone interested: Please be careful with bidding on the last minute--all auctions on forums follow the 15-minute rule, so last-minute strategy doesn't work, and the internet/browser could be slow to update and the auction might close before your bid gets posted.
C.o. 5.5m by Hersummer. 2 hours left!
Reminder that all auctions on forums follow the final 15-minute rule: this means that if someone bids in the last 15 minutes of the auction, the auction will be extended for 15 minutes until there are no more new offers for 15 minutes.