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About Heliioss

  • Birthday 04/05/1989

Heliioss's Achievements



  1. Wait, dry skin is not coded ?
  2. A 1/2 minute cooldown in trade chat would be great, yeah ... The spam is really insane on Silver server since the merge. And there's some people who spam like 3 time per minute, not fun.
  3. Hi, Since i'm not a pro about selling things, i would like a price check for my Togekiss : I know he's not perfect, but i think that's not a bad one. Thank's by advance for your help !
  4. Salut, Pour ton problème de screenshot, une fois que tu as appuyé sur "impr écran", ouvre tout simplement "Paint" ou un programme similaire, et c'est là qu'il faut "coller" (ou CTRL + V , c'est pareil) et tu auras ton image, il te suffira de l'enregistrer. Ne le prend pas mal, mais si tu ne parles pas du tout anglais, tu risques d'avoir des difficultés à jouer et à interagir avec les autres personnes en jeu... je te conseille de trouver une guilde FR et/ou d'avoir des amis pour t'aider. Bref, essaie de prendre et d'enregistrer un screen avec mon explication et viens dire si ça fonctionne ;)
  5. Hello, thank you people for the answer ! I was totally blind, i didn't see the right enter. Sorry for my useless thread
  6. Hello, Thank's for you reply, but i already talked to the laboratory guy and traded my "dome fosil" (i usually talk to every npc i see) I don't know if it can be related, but the servers crashed during approx. 1 hour just before i beat the volcano/fire gym leader. (No i'm not portuguese sorry, but thank's again for you replay and for trying to help me)
  7. Hello, (I am really sorry for my bad english, it's not my first language, i do my best) I recently beat the Cinnabar Island gym (fire/volcano badge), and the gym leader talked to me about the next gym, wich is Viridian City gym. But the way is locked, i can't enter. Am i doing something wrong ? Did i miss something ? Here's a screenshot so you can see my problem : Thank's for helping, and sorry again for my bad english skills
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