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Everything posted by Yuriko91

  1. ing: yuriko91 Sever: Gold please restore my pokemons chamander ID 58858303 Tks
  2. ing: yuriko91 Sever: Gold please restore my pokemons : Aipom ID 52417687 ID 52417658 ID 52418314 ID 52416488 ID 52413605 TKs
  3. hi i'll buy 1 cc :v
  4. hi IGN: Yurik91 Sever: Gold Today i released a navie gaslty. one of them have epic gaslty. but i can't remember exactly his ID Can you restore all my gaslty ? please TKs ID 3926922 39270453 39270411 39269871 39270321 39270386 39270223 39270070 39269923 39269881 39269844 39269815 39269462 Tk so much
  5. hi pokemon released volbeat form ID 13688807 help me get back him ThkS
  6. Hi Staff, Please restore my form togepi pink. Server: Gold Ingame: yuriko91 ID: 15426567 Thank you so much.
  7. ...
  8. i have a notification in game. there is i take a offer with another person. if u were disconected, u need to pm another person.but i dnk her/him. do staffs tell me about her/him an d my take offer????tks
  9. Restore my pokemon Hi GM i have made a erro: i just releaed my pokemon (munchlax,ID:31491406). His iv is good. CAn you help me restore my munchlax. Thank you so much
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