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Everything posted by Itachiy

  1. Wtb the seaking is it still here sir
  2. Still have seaking ?
  3. Can anyone tell me where can I get moonblast?
  4. Ty I'll keep that in mind have a good day ^_^
  5. This update is the worst of them all. its too much crowder in every pc and chats its impossible too maintain every thing. for this everytime game is crushing geting auto logout Being ddisconnected. got disconnected in boss battlw even in pvp. it was not a great thing to combined red and blue in one server like there is Ling and tiger in one forest lol. if this keep going a lot of player will quit :) so admins please keep it in Mind Ty <3
  6. Don't post your Login problems now they are working. don't disturb them any more they will let us know :) till then keep Supporting them not complaining :) thinq
  7. ^_^ <3 yes sir ^_^ thinq
  8. ^_^ ALL OF YOU deserves more then this sir <3
  9. Pokemon was one and only cartoon witch I loved. Nintendo3DS was not Rechable in my country that time I was so sad not able to play pokemon games but I alwys wanted to play the game today I'm almost 19 years old and I'm able to play this game in my phone and Pc. I'm really happy to Get a chance to play this game I'm really greatful to everyone of #PRO and too All the stuf members who works here again thinq to giving my childhood memoryes back ^_^ ILoveYouAll <3
  10. I want to know it but I cant see anything helpp
  11. :) pm sir nd madams
  12. Thinqw madam ^_^
  13. For 3 hours I'm stuck here cant go any were I cant even move can plz anyone save me from this hell
  14. Come in game fast
  15. madam ill be able to show u a zorua today after few hours and buy the pokemon sorry to keep you waiting :(
  16. sure sir / madam :)
  17. I'm in red server :) ign djalham
  18. noivern still here? I want to buy
  19. Do u have zoroark? I want to buy
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