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Everything posted by Kobayashimaru

  1. Released by accident, IGN: Kobayashimaru, Silver Server
  2. The quest is bugged for me 2, gold server. tried relogging, even tried reinstalling, im stuck in Sinnoh. The grunts did not appear after talking to Rowan
  3. I didnt think ide get it back anyway, but I lost the masterball due to a game glitch, and one your clearly failure with, for me to have video evidence of this happening would mean ide have to record every second of my play time which is just an unreasonable expectation, I have no interest in streaming either. I dont play pvp, I got that masterball from the easter event. Im also not especially comfortable with forums, I find that the information is too scattered and I never find what im looking for, so I dont aimlessly look on forums for potential faults and what to do about them, I just wana play the game. I dont expect it back and having the masterball in my inventory was just giving me anxiety anyway because of how easy it is to throw it away but considering how obvious this problem is I think someone should look into either allowing players to store items in their vaults or allow them to lock items, it would also be extremely useful to allow players to store pokemon separate (or adding a vault specifically for lvl 100's) to avoid searching through a ton of pages for your best pokemon. It would make a massive improvement to the game along with adding a flashlight to the shop to replace HM flash (or something that replaces all HMs like a survival kit), I dont know how feasible this is but if im not getting the masterball back im at least gona take this opportunity to find out if anything like this will ever be added to the game.
  4. Hi, my game froze when I clicked items and magicly threw my masterball at a pointless quagsire. I didnt even click on it, the cursor never even left the items Icon at the bottom right, so you can imagine how irratating this is. Personally I wanted to keep the thing in my vault till I was ready to use it but it cant be equiped to a pokemon so this was bound to happen eventually. I take it theres no chance il get it back but I think its something that needs resolved, its too easy to throw the masterball away by accident even without game freezing/ crashing.
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