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About Pallabkumars

  • Birthday 02/06/1999

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  1. Can u tell me a bit about coin capsule? I don't have any credit card....not even my family that can be used here......
  2. How much and where can i buy treeaxe and pickaxe? And how to buy mount surf too?
  3. +1
  4. Having tools to replace HMs would be better like we won't need to carry other pokemon except the six we want for certain actions or we won't have to waste any move.... But these tools will be obtained by us where we would get that tm/hm.....of course those tm/hm will also be there if others want to teach their pokemon respective move they can... Well,i don't know everyone will like it or not but doest this seems better than now and i can't also find any cons either.... Hatchet replaces Cut Computer Teleport System replaces Fly Raft replaces Surf Pickaxe replaces Rock Smash Climb Kit is used instead of Rock Climb Whirlpuller is used to cross whirlpools
  5. Fire and electric
  6. Thanks
  7. One thing more,once my poke get max 510 ev it wont get anymore right? Then even if train on some poke that give certain ev that my poke has none,it wont change my pokes maxed ev set right? To be clear if my magnemite has 252 spees and 252 satk and 6 hp and then if i defeat those poke which gives atk or def,it wont change the from one of those three have trained already right?
  8. So if i just increase my pokes level those ev will take effect right? I mean if i get 510 ev at 50 level and when i get to 100 level all the ev will increase the stat as 4 ev equals to 1 stat.....
  9. Messed up the sequence i think....
  10. Look at the speed ev...i got so many ev but still speed stat isn't increasing why?
  11. Ok thanks... I like pokemondb.net more tho
  12. @Spacemuffin
  13. @Cames @Fluffles
  14. Sorry...wrong thread.....can anyone move it to general game talk?
  15. How to know a Pokemon's move set without catching or seeing them?...is there any way without asking a person who has caught or seeing that pokemon every time?....like the way we can see any Pokemon's appearing area in discord with the command.... #I just don't want to ended up doing same mistake like i did with evolving pikachu into raichu..
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