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Everything posted by Alvarathorxpkm

  1. Yeh how much? Start 80k?
  2. It is possible to buy n. 23 on 60k?
  3. Hey all, if u need to train lv or evs for your mons here is the place. -Ev's : For full evs it will cost about 45-50k -Lv up : To lv up your Pokémon to 90 45-50k, to 95 55-60k, of course this can be variable depends of your Pokémon. Don't Train tanks Pokémon sorry. Pm me here for your needed service ^^.
  4. Hey I'm looking for a ferrosed (relaxed-iron barbs) with epics is unless (hp, Def, spdef) +27 :::: adamant - tech syther with all ivs +25 and ATk spd +27 ::: yamask bold - epic ivs and Def hp +28
  5. Wtb pawn bisharp (defiant- jolly/adamant) ; scizor (light metal- adamant) ; togepi ( Serene grace- timid) ; jolteon ( volt absorb-timid) ; greninja (protean - jolly) ; metacross (clear body-adamant-bold) all with nice ivs
  6. But to do it, is not enough to talk with him I need to find another Lv 60 poke, and I couldn't use my master ball then.. Until I finish? :( ty.
  7. I wanna say was normally playing at PRO, when I log out a moment and reconnect my master ball dissappear lol, like the 43 rare candy's I had... I don't know what's the matter could Pro help me to bring to me again?
  8. That's good but sorry, I'd need other ivs too.. :(
  9. I'm looking for a timid togepi/togetic, with the ability : Serene Grace. It must has like +23/24 normal usables ivs / + 27 Spd. Pm me to get a price.
  10. Hi all, I provide of lving service of any Pokémon (of course an evolution cost much more), i usually stay online a bit in morning and u can find me at night. Id: AlvarathorXPKM. Pm me for Lv service your poke and i make the price. Also do ev trained Discord : sralvarato #8857
  11. Crobat begin 40k Machop begin 50k
  12. Hey! Anyone can write me detallement the tier (rarity) of bagon in each place? Ty!
  13. Any moderator could contact to me? I think was banned for days for external software, but I didn't use it :( could be able to disbanned me before please? Ty
  14. Name in the Game: - alvarathorxpkm How many Hours game play do you have currently?- 174hrs (Join: 03-03-2018) How many badges do you currently have? - 32 Do you know the differences between IV's and EV's? - Yeah Your discord username: - sralvarato How many PVP points do you have currently?- 0 Are you an active member that enjoys communicating and helping other people? -Of course Why do you feel you would make a good member - Because I m so competitive and wanna improve with other people :)
  15. Anyone can tell me more or less what's probability there is to get a event togepis?
  16. I'm looking for a team/guild for skill up and get more experience, pm me I just finished shinnoh league
  17. Well we hope comeback soon hahaha
  18. i cant log in into my game.. and there are two servers, why?
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