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  1. Oh I totally don't remember half of that stuff... except the BCC. I'll look into them thanks!
  2. Like the title. I haven't played in forever. What is there to do? Help me remember!
  3. Everyone has been sent invites... also bump!
  4. -1 Some people rely on bosses for pokes, items, and money. I cant picture a whole lot of profit with this kind of update. Which is kinda the point to bosses. The new update would only get you money if the cooldown was lowered significantly. Also, a lot of people have spent months just building their boss team.... which would probably just sit in the PC forever after this. Also I like how each boss has rewards to their specific kind. Like Erika and Volcarona. Why would I want a scyther every time I battled? Or a corphish?! That just seems so pointless.... it doesn't feel like much of a reward to be honest.
  5. Thank you soooo much. I was really trying to contact him through discord. I'll be more cautious with lending.
  6. I know. I did a lend trade of a day. I havent received them back, I was just going to wait until he finished Johto, but he had quit... so now I'm here. I wouldve posted sooner, but he was a guild mate. I'm just gonna find some discord evidence or something.
  7. I didnt think I'd need a screenshot because it was a lending trade!!!!! Ugh. So I really cant get my pokes back?!
  8. It's really late, but I am pretty sure I had lent them and I didn't get them back.... well anyways it was a week+ ago and I had tried to get them, but he couldn't even access them since I lent them for Kanto e4 and he went straight to Johto. He quit a while ago.... and the pokes are still with him. Zach8920. I also have 2 other pokes that were lent to people who ended up quitting longer than some months ago and was wondering if I can get them back?
  9. Switched to another account. Still open, but elsewhere.
  10. Your discord didnt work. If you can get back to me on that, then we can bring you in! :D Sent you an invite! I'd need name#1111 for discord. :) We use it very frequently, just to socialize.
  11. Sent a request through discord! :D
  12. I'll send you a pm.
  13. Sent a discord request. :D
  14. Sent you a request through discord!
  15. What is your discord ID and number?
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