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Everything posted by Aioriaa

  1. Username: Aioriaa Server: Silver Country/ timezone: argentina GMT-3
  2. Username: Aioriaa Server: silver Country: Argentina Timezone: GMT-3
  3. Event form: Summer / Halloween Time investment: 40 mins Possibly interest to join staff either as Pixel Artist or Coin Shop icon creator: yes, maybe
  4. hello kagegod thanks for answering me. It worked!! have nice day
  5. Hello!! I wanted to tell you that the statiscs in battle do not activate in combat, I have been testing it and it does not activate when it is a 1/4 life.. when it is less than 1/4 yes
  6. cool!! buy bro you are online?
  7. hi bro! how much Bronzong?
  8. hello, have you sold it??
  9. Hi. friend you don't see in the picture how much you have of spd and satk .. how much do you have?
  10. NAME CHANGE Username: arquitecto New Username: Aiioria Server to charge the money from: Silver
  11. I reinstalled the game. it was solved
  12. the server fell and when I enter a battle it looks black and does not show me the battle menu
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