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About Auras

  • Birthday 10/07/1991

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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. keep it up :Cool:
  2. Re: All 3 [Original trainer] cloned starters. When is the next update? D: <r><QUOTE author="Peeko"><s> </e></QUOTE> Show me the way Sempai i can't even get one. <E>:Proud:</E></r>
  3. appreciate the feed back i'm getting from you thanks means alot. :y: :thanks:
  4. Thanks guys ^^
  5. I put alot of hard work and thought into these quests to make them fun for the PRO community so it would be nice to get some feedback from you people. Here is my suggestion ~ [glow=red]If you picked Charmander as a starter -[/glow] </B> <i></i> [glow=green]if you picked bulbasaur as a starter - [/glow] [glow=blue]if you picked Squirtle as a starter -[/glow] <B>Okay well these are the quests i created and it will be nice to have them implemented and in game but it's still just a suggestion and thank you you for taking your time to read my post and like i said before i would like to see some feedback from the you and maybe some ideas of your own maybe ? And maybe i could add your ideas to these quests also.
  6. Re: Only competitive pokemons shop <r>Wtb the hippowdon pm me and we can come to some sort of agreement ? <E>:Shy:</E></r>
  7. Re: ✰Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" Red Server~ <t>We still have a few open slots left so if you're based on red server please post here as Tatsu has instructed if Tatsu can't get back to you then i will instead.</t>
  8. Cough Cough use Prankster Cough Cough
  9. I agree with So. Much. This. No, not so much of that. You both will have to learn how you can deal with Shadow Tag Pokémon. It's not the Shadow Tag's fault you fail to do so. I agree with Miya on this one, if you're having a problem with gothitelle's shadow tag find a way to shut it down there's many way's out there, for example with a Prankster you could shut it down completely with Taunt Leaving most of it's moves Unable to use due To Prankster you're able to get first move due to it's ability giving you Priority, If you don't have a Prankster get your self a Cottonee or Sableye. Choice is yours but don't complain because you have no idea how to shut down teams. Hope you take this information and enjoy Ranked pvp. :y:
  10. Auras


    Alright for the info ^^
  11. Auras


  12. Ban Prankster :Heart:
  13. I always thought ''B.O'' meant ''Bid offer'' because i'd always see a time next to the current offer ?
  14. Re: ✰Team Cosmic✰ "Recruiting" <r>Cosmic <E>:Heart:</E></r>
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