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Everything posted by King9204

  1. How to search member's name by using search engine i cant find this option anymore where used to have an option for searching member's name only so is there any way to search member's name without searching someone's text content
  2. The poblem of zombie account has always existed, but this does not mean that we should lower the difficulty, provide wrong guidance to make players addicted on boss farming, and ignore other game contents. Considering that the time consumption and the boss routes are used to terrorize the abuse of boss farming. (For those who have alt accounts to do this) Now you are suggesting to make it X4 times easier (4 regions) for those zombie accounts. The best way to thank our mappers and artists is to visit many places as you can, so that these places wont become dead zones. Take a close look on every walk, remember the main construction on each map, be in awe every time you get lost in viridian maze. Yes you don't have to, but you should feel obligated to. Here is not much motivation that is better than boss battles for us to travel around. This is not speed running mobile game, you get what you pay for. You should not earn anything if you are lazy. Boss battles/ boss farming should not be excluded. It may feel like it right now out there but please don't let that kind of mentality seep into the game we love to escape from it.
  3. I could expect that there will be more zombie accounts in the server By that means the zombie accounts do nothing to contribute the community but only used for boss-money farming. Imagine 2hrs run 40 bosses on 1 zombie account, making 800k money (20k on each boss), and login another zombie account and do the same run again. According to YOUTUBE video "COMPLETE BOSS RUN! Boss Locations and Team Guide (Defeating 40 Bosses) | Pokémon Revolution Online" by Jade Ash STOP BEING LAZY AND PLEASE WALK AROUND Look around while walking, be thankful of what mapper team and artist bring to us!! And keep the "barriers" to prevent those zombie accounts.
  4. I appreciate and thank you for your time, I have no further questions.
  5. I need to check the latest money-related transaction May I ask that How much did player ID: Luca25 pay to me? This player try to play a trick that he kept canceling and accepting the trades when the time I traded him a froakie (ID: 85657485)
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