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  1. Need trash cranidos croagunk tirtouga binacle phantump, no matter ivs nor nature.
  2. Looool what's the matter with that little crab? stop using walls and you will see the difference :)
  3. Tell to me... my pokes hurts themselves like 3-4 turns in a row when they're confused, always.
  4. Re: Shuura's lil' shop!! [Epic, lvl 100, EV trained...] 26/03/16 <t>I offer 150k for Gligar</t>
  5. 150k for Gyara
  6. Re: Taipouz *The Biggest Insta PvP Shop* UPDATE => Venusaur/Milotic/Umbreon/Togekiss/Skarmory.. <t>350k togekiss</t>
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