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About Skunk1

  • Birthday 11/08/1994

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Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Where can I find the Protector item?
  2. Skunk1

    Gs ball

    How do we get the cops out of the way for the Gs ball?
  3. Can we get evolution items with the theft skill? (magmarizer electrizer vs)
  4. Sorry, I thought it was my fault.
  5. How to fix Failed to connect to proxy error?
  6. George what do I need to do to be able to fight the boss
  7. I have Leev town but I can't click it, how can I activate it?
  8. Skunk1


    Sinnoh victory road night time but not find him
  9. Skunk1


    Deino where find catch?
  10. what was inside
  11. How do I get the blue poke ball on route 228?
  12. Slowpoke well kings rock cannot item
  13. Where can I find Kings rock item?
  14. Can we catch qwilfish with surfing
  15. Can Legendary pokemon be traded?
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