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Everything posted by Fisdemoine

  1. I bid 2.6 please :)
  2. wtb gengar 800k plz if he's sellable ?
  3. If you have other choice scarf i can buy you i have good budget
  4. Hi everyone i search a choice scarf plz. I have good budget so tel me u offert. Have a nice day
  5. hi i search a team destiny bound for boss hard. I need all poke and i have good budget.
  6. Hi. Before the crash i buy 2 masterballs for serch my heatran and when server are crashed i lost my masterballs and the coin are credited
  7. Hi all. I propose my service to leveling your poke to cereluan cave. PM me in game for offert.
  8. 900k sala
  9. Silver server are crashed xD
  10. i'll buy garchomp
  11. 800k for salamence
  12. 500k for salamence
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