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Everything posted by Fatmanclt

  1. Re: Very Nice Ferrothorm <t>start timer : 24h left</t>
  2. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=84&t=35152
  3. As u can see pvp is not a priority of The dev, and its too bad.
  4. Would be nice to have a match making for friendly match!
  5. Re: Very Nice Ferrothorm <r><URL url="https://www.noelshack.com/2016-31-1470058280-bo3.png">https://www.noelshack.com/2016-31-1470058280-bo3.png</URL><br/> B.o 350k - Thanvn2001</r>
  6. Re: Very Nice Ferrothorm <r><URL url="https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/31/1470057600-bo2.png"><LINK_TEXT text="https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/201 ... 00-bo2.png">https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/31/1470057600-bo2.png</LINK_TEXT></URL><br/> B.o 300k -Foreverbog</r>
  7. Re: Very Nice Ferrothorm <r><URL url="https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/31/1470057280-bo.png"><LINK_TEXT text="https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/201 ... 280-bo.png">https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/31/1470057280-bo.png</LINK_TEXT></URL><br/> B.o 250k - Anhanhkoi12</r>
  8. Re: Very Nice Ferrothorm <r><QUOTE author="13l4ck"><s> </e></QUOTE> Ok u have b.o<e> </e></QUOTE> how long for bid?<e> </e></QUOTE> I would like a better offer and I will put a timer. <br/> Start Timer : 400k</r>
  9. Re: Very Nice Ferrothorm <r><QUOTE author="13l4ck"><s> </e></QUOTE> Ok u have b.o</r>
  10. Personaly I think it would be nice to add some Arceus spawn, can we replace Ratata for Arceus? It would be very cool.
  11. I need to delete my bid, i don't have the money for the moment. I need to sell some poke. Tell me if u want to trade for pvp poke + money.
  12. What you mean PvP with 2 accounts? Your means about fight yourself to get free win or just pvp separate without related these accounts? Fist case is illegal while second case is okay. Hope it can help you. Of course second case. Thanks for your reply.
  13. Re: Very Nice Ferrothorm <r>up <E>:thanks:</E></r>
  14. poke: https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2016/30/1469992781-ferro.png Its one of my favorite poke, I win lot of battle with him. b.o : 500K Insta 700k If i'm not satisfied of the win b.o , I can delete the auction and keep it. See ya.
  15. Do we are alowed to pvp with our second account ? ( not with the same team, but with different poke that can be funny to play ?) And I can only use Kanto poke on my second account. I checked the rules of Pro but I didn't see something about that. Thanks.
  16. Karma
  17. Thanks for all your work !
  18. Le jeu marche seulement en Anglais, un jour peut être il sera en Fr :)
  19. Time past bro, now the blue serv have been create from long time ago. Personaly i think we deserve a legendary tournament. Lot of players have more than 1000h of gameplay.
  20. Up I would like to have some information from a Mod...
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