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About Gohan

  • Birthday 09/29/1996

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  1. Re: Rata Cup 2015 Torneo Latino <t>Hay te voy</t>
  2. Gohan

    Love Island

  3. Rikooooo Nice cosplay :y:
  4. Gohan

    Rock Climb

    Map errors using rock climb a nice update thank you staff. psd: I will check the other ones :)
  5. :y: Common error because you change the name of the map so the npc can Teleport you to the Pokemon Center
  6. No spawns: 1.Four island on water. Also No info on sign. 2.Green path cave 3.Three island port ( the land zone on the exit of cave) 4.Three island ( grass zone ) 5.Bond Bridge 6.Canyon Entrance I report because 1-4 island spawns are added so maybe your forgot something. psd: @Red can you fill up my pokedex?
  7. Important npc needed . Like the 50% of maps from sevii islands dont have spawn I think from the island 3 to 7 just to note .. ( dont forget to add information to the signs) thanks :)
  8. There is a multitude of discussions about this very topic, that you can find online. Various systems of when to capitalize the word 'pokemon' seem to be acceptable or unacceptable, depending on who you ask. I personally don't capitalize the word when I see it as a general term, much like 'humans', 'animals', 'houses'. I see 'pokemon' in that list. I would only capitalize it if it was in regards to a title, such as 'Pokemon Trainer' or 'Pokemon' being the title of a game, etc. However, if whoever has the final say on NPC dialog thinks it is perfectly fine either way, I will stop reporting them. :Crazy: @Red Can you advise us on how we should be reporting the use of Pokemon in dialogue? There is very high inconsistency throughout PRO with the use of pokemon, Pokemon, and POKEMON. Whatever the staff wants, that is fine, but I would like to see it consistent. too me should be Pokemon.
  9. I already visit the 2 first islands, I use the tele command :c so I will be looking for maps error. thanks.
  10. Sorry for double post but seems like I only attachment 3 pics.
  11. Reports from sevii islands. I also want to suggest berry plants on berry forest I havent see anyone lol
  12. The spawn is fine as they are, change them would be a waste of time. I see nothing positive in it. PRO is not a DS game has its own system spawn and thus give users to capture Pokemon from other regions increases the fun. As an example I dont think many people spend time on Route 1 but if you add a rare pokemon will be more funny.
  13. Gohan

    General Bugs

    Re: Forum Bugs <r>Im not sure if its a bug but recently I updated my password and was updated sucessfully so I enter my info here <URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/Account.php">https://pokemonrevolution.net/Account.php</URL> and works.<br/> <br/> But I need to use my old password to log on forums.<br/> <br/> edit: I Post on wrong section sorry</r>
  14. Gohan

    Hey Latinos

    Epic Visto :v
  15. :xwelcomesign: to the game
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