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Everything posted by Hizas

  1. Hizas, Hizas, gold, 4
  2. Thank you for the rewards, Pro staff and for making us enjoy PvP more.
  3. can you teach it manually?
  4. I m trying to teach my smeargle baton pass through sketch.... but sketch fails to copy. Please help ...
  5. I need help to teach batton pass to smeargle ... sketch fails.... to learn it
  6. Hello and good evening! I love the new update feature but I have some requests. 1) Requirements hours are to much and they should be lower to a max of 100 hours and first 3 regions champion. 2) price of guild island should be lower to 10-15M and 2M per change. 3) Give more power to the officers or add another role in betweem officer/ leader. 4) make a guild vault where we can leave pokemons that can be used for dex service or for PvP Purposes. And that can be accessed by leader/officer and members can acces half of it. Make another vault for pokedollars accessed only by leader and officers. I like the rest of your ideas. Thank you and nice work.
  7. I would like to register in the tournament
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