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Everything posted by Alciuz

  1. totally agree, sadly it's apparently not going to happen soon. i already suggested this some time ago: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/204429-display-hidden-power/#comment-1177652
  2. i used my female burmy in fights inside rock tunnel (cave), veilstone gym(building) and pokemon tower in lavender tower(building) and not only the form didn't change in either the sand or the steel one, also the evolution will only and always be wormadam-plant, no matter where the last fight burmy participated took place. on top of this, in the pokedex burmy can have plant form, sandy form and shiny form, but not the steel form. is this intended? can we only get wormadam-plant form?
  3. same here, from yesterday. i fought the 3 npcs before athos(i guess) and won, but i lost to cobalion. once i tried again i found only cobalion near the castle like in the screenshots in the previous comments. interacting with cobalion does nothing but change the direction it's looking towards. can't fight it, can't complete the quest, can't catch the pokes. i also tried like suggested elsewhere to just go to talk to nikola again and it did not make any difference. edit: i went in the cobalion area with a different team than the one i had when i first entered the area yesterday. when i exited the area now, my team was the same as the one i had when i entered the area for the first time. i believe none of my pokes got deleted but i'm worrying now. i'll try an easier explanation: yesterday i went in cobalion area for first time with team A. quest got bugged, all good, wait for fixes, i left area. today i went in cobalion area again to complete but i have team B. quest still bugged, all good, wait for fix. i left the cobalion area, the pokes in my team are those from team A. not sure if any of my team B pokes got deleted or are all in the box
  4. that's pretty confusing, especially considering that there are people who caught dhelmise and make profit off selling its caught data through paid lending. what is the point in keeping that area unaccessible?
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  6. this is one of the first lines in the to-do-list of the devs for the game, the list it's literally the first post in the section suggestions. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/159019-dev-to-do-list/ if for some reasons u can't find it. there are already move animations, not all and that's why it's "high priority" in the devs todolist. redundant suggestion
  7. -1, u made it here to the forum, so u can make it to https://wiki.pokemonrevolution.net and check the headbutt spawns for every route. many ppl tree hunt pokes on daily basis and get all the desired spawns from honey trees, if u think ppl don't touch trees after story u're simply mistaken
  8. -1, we have already bosses that once beaten reward from a wide pool of items/pokes, so we already have a surprise poke kind of reward. also going through the coding of eggs without the concept of breeding would be simply be a waste of time for the devs
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