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Everything posted by Alciuz

  1. up
  2. up
  3. Bump! Are you looking for an active guild and a friendly community, driven to get better every day? We are recruiting! Apply to join
  4. bump
  5. nightmare doesn't deal apply its effects on a sleeping target, it just does nothing. i don't think this is a bug that requires immediate attention, just letting you guys know. thanks for your work
  6. i didn't mean to make it sound like a priority issue, i can simply drag the poke card a little higher. i've just been told previously to report anything and i did report this cos could be done better, yet it's a very, very, very little thing. keep up the good work (please give us quality of life updates)
  7. the ss i took was on fullscreen mode. when trying to see a move's info from a pokemon card placed on the bottom of the screen, the popup that appears is not completely visible
  8. i have been hit by sonic boom in bcc and i noticed very little dmg, considering the move is supposed to deal 20 hp dmg no matter what, but it dealt only 3 hp dmg. i didnt have leftovers on mew.
  9. +1 for the shop, not for the ticket. guild island is very expensive for those not in a top 3 guild and to keep it balanced, the amount of glitters for a pve exclusive area would be ridiculously high.
  10. up
  11. +1
  12. -1 top 3 pvp guilds are there because they have players good in pvp, they get guild island with spawns they can choose and tutors they can choose + players in top 3 guilds most likely provide actively to the ratings of the guild being good in pvp, therefore have more access to exclusive pvp-coins rewards. top 3 pve guilds grind hours and hours and, considering that is not easy to be there as a party of 4 or 5 to grind, it's only fair that the game rewards that grind in an exclusive way.
  13. Alciuz

    Map fixes

    To travel between pokecenters in hoenn and sinnoh we need to enter, respectively, the transmat station and transmat station sinnoh. if, during our time inside the transmats, we open the map, it will display that we are in pallet town, which is annoying and incorrect. can this please be fixed? i also noticed that the mt.coronet is nowhere to be found, while hovering the mouse where it's supposed to be, just a missing label i believe.
  14. why bother replying if u didn't read and/or understand the main post...
  15. up
  16. +1
  17. i am pretty sure there is an auction house system that the devs are already considering to implement in the game, but there is no eta for it. not easy task tho, considering that a whole new region is on the way and there is always a very little time between events that keep bringing new event forms
  18. bump
  19. bump
  20. bump
  21. bump
  22. +1
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