Hello PRO staff, first time posting, don't really know what I'm doing.
Since that tik tok went viral few days ago, we all saw many more players rumbling around our beloved world and I am personally very happy about it.
The viral tik tok attracted mostly Spanish people, making Spain the country with the highest player base in both servers.
We all know that "All" chat is supposed to be the global chat, where by the rules the language used must be English, but new players, that these days are mostly Spanish, are approaching "All" chat typing in Spanish, just to be sent to another chat, some times gently, some times not.
My suggestion is pretty simple: change few labels
"All" chat could be, for some time during the transition, "All (English)", to be in the end just "English"
considering that no one actually uses "Local" chat if not by mistake, it could become "Spanish"
"Other" chat could finally become the chat where all the other languages can be used, as originally intended
a short command could be added to allow players to have a little cloud appear on top of their heads with their message, as if they were typing in "Local", a simple sort of "/(something) message in the cloud" thing
I understand that the standard layout can fit only 5 tabs and adding a 6th one would be challenging, in terms of space. I myself am one of those boomers who set the GUI scale almost at max because otherwise I literally can't read chat, so having 6 tabs would make me be barely able to see the actual game with the chat window open.
I suggest that simply changing the use of "Local" chat making it a proper chat could be useful and straightforward for everyone that approaches the chat for the first time or not, making sure no one is left unheard because of the language barrier and most importantly no one is sent off to another chat roughly, like is often happening these days.