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  1. SOLD to Cburakyilmaz in 800k
  2. Cburakyilmaz has offer 800k
  3. current offer 700k by Jessica88 5 hrs left!
  4. 600k by Yomost12
  5. Duration: 48 hrs Insta Price: 1.5m Min Bid: 100k SOLD to Cburakyilmaz in 800k
  6. Your guide was good, many used it, it was the most complete. At no time do I want to start a discussion, it was only my opinion, I am not attacking you or Belzebel, (both do a great job helping this community) so I repeat, I do not want to start a discussion, it is only my personal opinion (also, the forum is free and the topic is open) in front of to this fact, which hurts many, especially newer people, I hope it does not happen again, as I said above, your guide was good, you have great potential creating content, it is a problem that someone comes and of course, try like garbage a job that has taken time and dedication, but sometimes the wisest thing is to ignore these people, everything falls under its own weight, do not let other people's sayings affect your work, sometimes the best "revenge" is to make things even better and be successful. regards!
  7. Because of a third person, you harm an entire community by deleting this super useful guide, these problems should be solved in private, because you clearly want to leave Belzebel wrong because of his sayings, but unfortunately, with your childish attitude when doing this, you look worse than the person you are blaming. I insist, these problems are solved in private, and if you believe or know that your guides are good (because they are) then you should continue to do them for the better and cover Belzebel's mouth, but no, this immature attitude when erasing the guide because someone tells you "that their guides are better", they show that you are not fit to belong to a community and / or work in a group, etc., since there will always be competitiveness, toxic people will appear, etc. Pessimistic attitude, it was a good guide, but it is affected by immaturity when not being able to face a problem and solve it as adults.
  8. Close plz!!!
  9. Dragon, but, it's sold, this is a publication from 2019 jajaja Close plz!
  10. 1- Gundam Wing 2- Death note 3- Black Blood Brothers 4- Naruto 5- Card Captor Sakura Bonus Track: Pokémon Anime! of course! xD
  11. Hello Everyone! I want to buy a 15 days MS, 200k if possible, or pm your price HERE in forum, I can't speak ingame ('cause mute ban lol) Thanks!
  12. NAME CHANGE Username: Tatiana New Username: Katsumihikasu Server to charge the money from: Silver
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