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Everything posted by Cheesy345

  1. ok sorry I wont post it up anymore my bad sorry again
  2. does it look like this? if so I think its just a case of wait for the merge tool to be up and ready.
  3. did it look like this? cos I have the same problem
  4. its asking me for my username and password and every time I type it in nothing happens and I have to input password again so lets hope for quick solution :)
  5. thank you I have the servers available to me now. just waiting on the servers to come online then ill be gaming away thanks guys
  6. cant download from google to many people have tried to download it apparently
  7. I tried that but no luck unless I did something wrong. but I will try again thanks
  8. i don't have the option for gold or silver servers I only have red blue and yellow still how can I change this please
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