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Posts posted by Lordnaitik2004

  1. I did wq in my main which was in gold (one wq in gold then transfered to silver and did one in that) then I got the reward of the silver wq and did not get my gold reward.. as I said my story is completed in second server too and I got some legends there too , when I tried to collect iv rr it just showed "I wish thee well trainer" .. I thought problem must be in transfer so I transfered my main to gold few hours before the time ended around 15 hours iirc and try to get reroll by the account I did quest but same answer from bidoof 😕


    In short lets say LordNaitik2004 gold account (A) and LordNaitik2004 silver account  (B)

    So I did first wq with account A in gold then did second wq in silver with account A only.. so I got 2 rewards one in gold and one in silver.. (now A is in silver and B is in gold)

    My story is completed in both so I got legends on both A and B.

    I got my silver wq reward on account A but when I tried for gold wq reward on account B it showed the bidoof message..

    So I thought server transfer is problem and so I transfered my account A back to gold and tried to collect rr with account A but got same mess again 


    Sorry for the bad explanation.

  2. 6 hours ago, Maisa said:

    Hi @LordNaitik2004


    I've checked your trade logs, and it seems that you've traded this Garchomp to Affanking on November 8, 2020. 

    Please let me know if that helped or if you need help with anything else.


    Looking forward to your reply.

    Got my Chomp back tysm for ur help ❤️


    Can be closed!

  3. I left game for few months and came back few months ago. today I was checking all my pokes but my garchomp was missing can someone help me to track that poke? Actaully its been a long time so forgot I lended to whom 




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