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About Sylvainluyckx

  • Birthday 01/16/1993

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  1. c.o 350k by Alansvh. Thanks for the bid!
  2. [ATTACH=full]38563[/ATTACH] Shiny Vulpix is being auctioned at the "Selling Pokemon". I wanted to put this here just because it actually should be auctioned here, but didnt think it through ;..; No bids shall be accepted on this page, for bidding please place your bid on the other post "Selling Pokemon". Thanks for understanding, and sorry i made 2 posts ;..;
  3. Current offer is 300k by Wozil. Thanks for the bid!
  4. Current offer is 270k by Colderthanyou Thanks for the bid!
  5. Hi everybody, I will sell my shiny Vulpix. Hidden power: Water Startbid: 50k min increase: 20k b.o 350k by Alansvh ingame: The auction will end 72 hours after the first bid (17:00 1/09/2018 GMT+1) If i am not happy with the price i'll have the right to not sell the Vulpix. Thanks!
  6. swiggety swooty i want the booty!
  7. Ending the auction for both Frerrathorn and Scizor because there is no interest in Ferrathorn. I'll pm Kruk2204 ingame for further details
  8. ups indeed, small mistake i will correct it. Thanks for noticing!
  9. Current offer for Scizor is 220k by Kruk2204 Thanks for your bid!
  10. Thanks for your bid, the auction for scizor will end at 17:00 17/08/2018. *Changed price for cc, it became 300k now*
  11. Hi! I'm gonna sell my Ferrathorn and scizor. They are both PvP ready. CC = 300k Small MS = 150k Auction ends 48h after first bid. Minimal increase is 20k above current offer Starting bid: 200k Insta: 500k b.o: 15d ms + 50k by Fjabio Starting bid: 300k Insta: 600k Thank you for your time! :)
  12. Hi there, i would like to buy the marril of 50k https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/478923003057668097/478923236571217921/71.png I'll be online at 22:00 UTC+2
  13. 1. What's your Player name? ~ SylvainLuyckx 2. Number of hours played? ~ 216 hours 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? ~ Linoone, but really Snorlax aswell because well, Snorlax... :) 4. How old are you? ~ I am 17 y/o 5. When's your Birthday? ~ January 16 Glad to be able to apply!
  14. Egg move request: Pokemon 1: Linoone Move: change fury swipes by extreme speed Pokemon 2: Garchomp Move: change dragon rush by outrage Ingame name: SylvainLuyckx discord: Discoman#7846
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