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Everything posted by Sayainji

  1. 10M 50K Lopunny
  2. Lopunny 9M 555K
  3. Lopunny 8M 950K
  4. 8M 150K Lopunny
  5. Lopunny 8M 50K
  6. 7.55m Lopunny
  7. 7m 50K lopunny
  8. Kommo 3m 50K Lopunny 5M 550K
  9. 5m 200K lopunny 2.9 M kommo
  10. All trades have been honored. Thank you everyone who bidded Can be closed
  11. 1st vulpix is sold Still waiting on @Zoetin to contact me for the third Vulpix trade
  12. @Qinshihuang won the 1st vulpix for 200K , please contact me in game
  13. C.O 200K for first vulpix
  14. Auction is still going for Vulpix 1 C.O :150K Still waiting for the winner of vulpix 3 to respond
  15. @Pokemongamer123 won vulpix 2 with 400K
  16. @Ahir won the ursa for 400K @Zoetin won the 3rd vulpix for 450K
  17. 15 minutes left for 3rd vulpix C.O :450K
  18. C.O 400K for Ursa from @Ahir , auction extended 15min according to auction rules
  19. 15 minutes left for the Ursa C.O :350K
  20. 1st Vulpix C.O : 150K
  21. First Vulpix C.O : 100K
  22. Alolan Vulpix 3 c.o = 350K
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