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Everything posted by Lostdragon02

  1. Buy cleffa bold Magic Guard Iv : def & hp 25+ Pay 300k
  2. they were there, I received the bell, The problem was solved thanks for the help.
  3. I already have the mission requirements 450+ hours I am Champion of the four regions Pokedex completes janto,johto e hoen Celebi Quest complete rey scientist keeps arguing If possible, find those legendary beasts and get their datas recorded in your pokedex.
  4. focus band doesn't work, pokemon doesn't get 1 of, hp he faints
  5. how do you get into this passage?
  6. 275k or cc
  7. 100k interested to get in touch at pm.
  8. Lostdragon02


    What is the best nature for a blissey? What are you going to train? Which best move set?
  9. I have discord :LordyDragonBR#7120 I already finished the 4 regions
  10. Thank you very much, thank you
  11. I'm looking for guild silver server hours played 236h favorite poke: noibat
  12. from time to time no players selling pokemon with HP ICE / HP FIRE appear what does it mean?
  13. Thanks for the info, it helped a lot. :)
  14. Anyone know how to mount a surfboard at speed in the water?
  15. where do i find honey?
  16. Thank you very much, I was lost in Sinnoh.
  17. I'm ready for new adventures:CharYay:
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