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Juruzu's Achievements



  1. please message me at juru#1475 on discord or here when u are online and can make the trade
  2. there was still no agreement that he would sell to you, looking at the time this was posted, i bought it just right after forum post ... when he posted it at trade chat
  3. ? there is like no timer or auction, nor did he agreed to sell to you?? gave a better offer and bought it o.o
  4. do u have discord?
  5. Hi Doctordonk, Since we use Discord as our primary (and only) form of communication, this may not be the best guild for you. Thank you for considering Castaway though! Let us know if you are willing to use it and we'll give you an invite.
  6. sent a friend request dm me when you accepted
  7. Username: juruzu Server Gold
  8. - Boss requirements - keep same - Difficulty - keep same - dealing with OHKO crits are hard enough allow players to choose tiers of difficulty higher difficulty higher prize - Cooldown - keep same
  9. is that priya?
  10. Hi McGabberson, I sent you a friend request,
  11. Hi crystal, I sent friend request,
  12. Hi HeroVanged, I sent friend request on discord
  13. Hi Anthony, I sent friend request in discord
  14. Hi Este your discord seems to be not working, can you please re-enter?
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