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Everything posted by Mrkido

  1. i understand, thanks for replying.
  2. helllo, i tried asking in the discord and forum but no one seems can answer or help me. i came back from a month ago from not playing for years and i discovered that my heatran was missing. i challenged nikola and won weeks ago and told me that heatran was back or something. when i went to the stark mountain, heatran was not there. i also cannot challenge boss saphirr because i need to beat heatran first. please help me and thanks in advance. account name: mrkido
  3. I defeated nikola then there was an option fot heatran. he said something about heatran being back. when i went to the heatran cave buck was waiting at the entrance. I talked to him didnt remember what he said then he went inside. when i went inside there was no heatrean there. did i do something wrong? or do i need to do something first?
  4. Mrkido

    Shadow Tag Voting

    i vote banned the problem is/are, there is no team preview here in pro and also a lot of moves, items not yet available, and abilities not yet coded like unaware.
  5. i think you need another strategy, like adding klefki in your team. i use volcarona vs lt.surge, it can solo the whole team 1v6 and i have not experince raichu killing my volca.
  6. it worked!! and it had to be the last option, dang. i re-installed direct-x, i had to delete all the c++ program for the direct-x to be re-install and it was risky but it worked. thanks for the help shamac.
  7. i tried re installing the game but still won't load. i only get this black screen with some fogs and bubbles thingies on it.
  8. actually you will lose and win at the same time. you will lose by losing rank points but win buy gaining pvp coin iirc, based in my experience but i'm not 100% sure of this, it's not always you get a draw.
  9. you really have to sacrifice something, you can make a team that can counter talon but it will make it weak from other pokes/team or to have a team that can counter a lot of teams/pokes but not with talonflame. your choice.
  10. yussh! more reasons not to skip any bosses.
  11. i already reported this bugged but i will share this to all. i was doing pvp and i noticed shell bell is bugged or the move detect? idk. i used detect move to blocked an attack, my pokemon ddnt receive any damage but the opponent's poke holding a shell bell still gained/healed hp. you maybe think that it is just a small bugged but imagine a poke with dragon dance buff, belly drum etc. holding a shell bell. GG i hope this bugged will fix as soon as possible.
  12. that would be an extra work since event already started.. maybe next event pokes :)
  13. that's not a lonely caterpie, that's a rash nature one.
  14. golem sold. sudowodo sold but i forgot to take screenshot.
  15. what is your name in game? i cant contact rphunterx.
  16. the thing is, blue server has less player compare to red, that means less players buying ms with real money in blue. MS prices in blue rises because it can't keep up with the demand.
  17. *bump*
  18. okay :y:
  19. okay, 4 days time auction started, you are the b.o for sudo now
  20. ninetales sold.
  21. time limit start on a pokemon when someone bid on it, it will last for 4 days. i may change or extend the time limit. you can offer in game just pm me, same name. b.o 100k insta 300k b.o 150k insta 300k b.o 200k insta 300k
  22. Re: Updated Dig Spots! *Informations, treasures and more" <t>black glasses route 15</t>
  23. i was in ruins of alph hunting fro sync natu, and a guy came using his totodile as a lead poke to hunt.. i pmed him and tell him a trick how to catch sync natus w/o wasting pokeballs for non sync natu.. after i teach him the trick he thanked me then after 5 secs i encountered shiny natu XD.. i told the guy that i found shiny natu and he said that it was a good karma XD
  24. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <t>hello! this will be my first time applying for a guild. after 700hrs+ XD<br/> i knew about this guild from paranauticjay and i want to apply.<br/> <br/> 1. How many hours of gameplay do you have? <br/> -700hr++<br/> 2. Tell us a little about yourself.<br/> -i'm collecting female pokes atm.. shh :)<br/> 3. Are you able to visit Discord?<br/> -got one but still new on it<br/> 4. Are you going to be online daily?<br/> -yes<br/> 5. What do you look for in a guild?<br/> -Sociality and not a dead guild chat<br/> 6. Are you a PvE or a PvP type of person?<br/> -i like to pvp, but kinda laggy every time i do one.</t>
  25. Re: wts epic blissey <t>sold insta.. can close or delete it now</t>
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