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  1. I wait several days for when I join guild, I was sad and went offline the gamel
  2. I already put my topic about to join guild but no response why??
  3. What's your in-game name? Blackadam1 How old are you? 21 Are you active in discord? Always Where are you from? India Whats your total play time? 2317 hrs Whats your goal in pro? Improve pvp gameplay What do you enjoy while playing the game? Do pvp and pve Why do you want to be part of the guild? To improve my pvp battle can learn more Whats your favourite pokémon and why? Charizard x, metagross mega because I like to use i feel it Strong to use in pvp battle
  4. In game name:blackadam1 How old are you:21 What do you enjoy doing in pro? :(hun, pvp, etc) :play pvp Favorite pokémon Charizard Discord name:blackadam1
  5. `
  6. Sorry mis click
  7. Name:Henry007 Play hours:1876hours Favorite pokemon: Charizard Age:20
  8. Looking for guild i intrest to do lvl up service and pvp i need to improve my pvp skill Name:henry007 Play time:1876hours Server:silver Rating:137 Discord:henry007#7178
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